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"Who are you?" I said, I know I'm an ass for doing that but bite me. She started to tear up again. "No," she muttered with her hand over her mouth before she started crying. 'What the fuck are you doing Raven' , " don't chew my head off yet I can fix this " I said mentally face punching myself. "Gracie, hey don't cry it was a joke. I'm sorry " I whimpered. I know a huge dick move on my end. "You jerk!" she shouted slapping me, it stung but was well deserved. "Are you trying to knock me back out?" I said, rubbing my cheek. "Shut up" she sniffled. ‘Great , now she's mad at us," my wolf barked. "Seriously, will you be quiet".

"Grace...." I whispered while sitting up. "Did I upset you-" ,she looked up at me then nuzzled her head back into her arms. "Say something else stupid and I will make sure to knock you out" she growled. "If I kiss you will you forgive me" she looked up and glared. "I guess that's a no-" I said looking away before she pulled my head back in her direction. "I didn't answer you yet." In a cold tone she said, it was intimidating for a cutie like her. Why am I turned on by this? She smirked, her grip on my jaw grew tight, trailing her tumb along the edge, she was teasing me and she knew how it was affecting me.

I made eye contact with her and they were bright hazel now, she brought our lips closer mere inches from each other. Willow was trying to get out. Just an inch more move closer. "No, you're going to wait for it" she said leaving me flustered and craving, but just in time cause Autumn walked in.

"You're awake!...wait.." excited at first but came to realize after she saw my face. " I'm just...notify your parents" she said, backing out of the room. Grace smirked side eyeing me. "What's the matter, Raven."  "Nothing.." I said avoiding eye contact. Focus on something else...gawd damn it not now. Who and what happened to my Grace. That wasn't grace, it was her wolf that was in control.

Well pretty literate, cause it's causing a situation right now. I retorted. Well just don't think about it. Easier said than done Will. I sighed. Nothing a cold shower can't fix. They grinned.

My parents came down to my room as soon as they could, I got smothered with kisses and motherly love, followed by a somewhat apology from my dad. "Ah, mom..r~ribs.., my ribs.." I uttered out as she was hugging me tightly. "Sorry honey..." she said, letting me go. " Who's this Raven?" My father asks his sight on Grace. "We can discuss that after I'm discharged.” “You just woke up, what makes you think you're going to be discharged so soon?" Grace questioned me. "Exactly" I whispered, she smiled and shook her head.

"Well, let's get you discharged then." Father said exiting the room. "Dad, that's not necessary..." I said but he still continued his walk. "I'll go get him," mother sighed, walking after him. "Here we go again" I sighed, Grace giggled at my expense. "Just take it easy, the doctor won't let you out that soon.” “Yeah anyway, about that day.” "Oh yeah, I'm sorry I've been hiding it from you, it's just before I transferred here" she rambled before I cut her off.

"Hey, it's okay, take your time." She sighed and got comfortable in her seat and faced me. "Before I transferred there was an incident at my previous school. There was this group from another pack that used to push people around, and the teachers weren't much help. But a few weeks later they started targeting me." I can't lie I got a little upset and let out a low growl, she chuckled in response and continued. "One day they cornered me and tried to intimidate me for something. I forgot what it was, but I was in a bad mood that day so; I sorta..threw the first punch." My brow raised amused by her action. "Were there any casualties?" I asked. "I may have hospitalized all of them..." she said shyly.

"Damn my girls badass." I purred tilting her chin. "Stop it, I got expelled for it, well they did too but my parents had to transfer here because of it". "At least it brought us together," I said, bringing our lips closer. Her eyes were locked with mine, her pupils grew smaller as I pulled her in closer. "I said you'll wait." She protested but leaned in. She was denying it, but her actions were speaking to me louder. "Raven!?!?" We jolted apart. Father was standing in the doorway wide eyed and angry.

" What are you doing!, you? " he turned to my mate. "You need to leave now" he said in his alpha voice. Growling slowly I said. "Get away from her". " Excuse me" , his attention turning to me. I looked him dead in the eyes. " You heard me. Leave her alone and get the fuck out" I snarled.


"You heard me...leave her alone and get the fuck out" she snarled at him. "Don't growl at me, this is unacceptable behaviour coming from you. Ever since this girl started showing up". Not going to lie that pissed me off a bit but I stayed calm. "When we get home we're having a talk." He stated before grabbing my arm, before I could even react he was on the floor in shock. Blood started to drip from his nose, Raven stood between me and him. Spots where the IV's were blood started to flow down her arm." Never touch her again" she growled now in half wolf form. "Raven, it's okay, calm down." I said grabbing the bed sheet, I pressed it on her arm to stop the bleeding. Her mother came through the door from hearing the noise, followed by a nurse.

The poor nurse was horrified rightfully so, her mother looked between us and her husband and scowled. "If you don't listen you'll feel" she sighed. The nurse helped her dad into the chair, while her mom and I calmed and sat her down. “I want him to leave now" she barked. "Don't worry honey we're leaving now, lets go Grace I'll drop you home" Mrs. Black said. "Wait your leaving." Raven relayed grabbing my hand. "I'm sorry my parents are getting antsy. But I'll be back tomorrow" I said reassuring her. "Okay " she replied with sadness in her voice.


"Alpha anymore orders before we head off, " my beta asked. " No, just have everything ready for two days' time" I replied. “Understood.”  It pisses me off to believe that Blake would do something so stupid and idiotic. ‘Don't worry about it all will be over once we hand him over’.  My wolf said to me and I agreed. ‘I intend on doing that but I'm more worried about her reaction when she sees me again.’ 'She'll probably beat our ass first'. 'You got that right, wanna take over the hospital is a bit of a walk.'  'With pleasure' she said before taking control.


The run was short and sweet, once we got there I shifted back and through on some spare clothing. Inside I walked towards the receptionist. "Goodnight miss can I get Raven Black's room number please" I asked the nurse. "Name and relationship with patient." She asked me typing away on the computer in front of her."Amelia Black, her cousin." I answered. " She's in room 24C, take the elevator up" she told me where to go. “Thank you" I said walking away.

'Why to lie' my wolf rolled her eyes. 'You think I want them to know I was here' I replied. 'No comment'. This is her room I thought to myself entering. She was sound asleep, I stood in the doorway looking at her sleeping figure. "Damn she's grown" I uttered moving closer. ‘Well how long has it been three, six, eight years since we left?’ my wolf said. 'It wasn't like I had enough time to say goodbye; father forbade me from seeing her. I've missed a lot in her life since then, and I'm willing to catch up on that when the time's right.’

'Well time has changed, before we evaded being seen when leaving that gift behind so what's changed now.’ 'I; I'll let her see me when I turn in Blake.’ I sighed, moving hair from her face. 'If that's what you want then go through with it' my wolf said before going silent. "I got you a gift, I was going to show you on your day but, after learning what happened." I stopped at thought and growled.

"You're probably going to hate me for what I did, I'm going to explain everything to you. I need to go, I'll see you when you're out, get better soon furball".


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