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I heard a knock on my door, I guess I'd overslept. I went to open it and was met with the last person I wanted to see. "Your mother is waiting for you," my father spoke. I nodded and shut the door in his face, getting cleaned up and I went down stairs. The pack were at the table eating breakfast. Mom smiled and handed me a plate, I thanked her and sat down with them. It feels like I'm part of the pack again, well somewhat." Where's Raven?" Mom shrugged. I guess she's with her mate. I really hope she's willing to see or speak to me after tomorrow.

Everyone got to their normal duties, mama went to help out at the nursery and I did my best to avoid father. I ran into Raven, and she was out of breath. " Wow...what's up with you?" "Nothing...just went for a run" she chuckled nervously. I knew she was lying. She smelled like she had done the dirty plus she had an amusing mark on her neck. I rolled my eyes and patted her shoulder." Get a shower sis" I smiled. Her face turned beat red. She walked away without saying another word. I chuckled at how embarrassed she was.


I got out of there, Grace was able to distract her parents long enough for me to leave, and honestly I thought I was done jumping windows. I've missed breakfast with the pack and I know mom will have some questions. During my mental rant I bumped into my sister and well she saw right through my lie really quickly. We returned to the house where I took a quick shower, and came back down stairs. Emma was admiring a family photo, I think it was taken a few months after I was born.

"It's been a while huh" I said breaking the silence, she turned to me her eyes expressed a hint of sadness. " has," she said with a small smile. I was a bit concerned, I understand that her being here can bring some past memories, I bet she feels guilty for leaving without an explanation those years ago. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry I disappeared like that" she spoke, turning away from me. "You don't have to apologize, you left because of dad's attitude. He told me that he asked you to leave."

"Father saw me as a bad influence on you" she spoke over me." When you were little, we were on a run and the sun was setting. We had to be back before the moon rose, but were a stubborn little pup and had so much energy left to spare." She chuckled, shaking her head. " You ran off further in, I ran after you, but you crossed the border lines. When I got to you, rogues had already found you. Luckily some guards followed me" she sighed.

"Father didn't let me live that down, so he forbade me from seeing you again and told me to leave and I did" she uttered tears started to swell in her eyes. I pulled her into a hug, I generally didn't remember that happening but I definitely know why I wasn't allowed to run around for a while now. I was hugging her tightly for all the years I've missed. She embraced the hug and sighed. "I'm sorry I left like that" she muttered. " It's okay I was never mad at you then and I'm not now" I smiled. "I know it was you who left me this locket and visited me at the hospital. I knew you were still looking after me just from afar." I told her which made her smile. " I guess I need to work on my stealth more" she chuckled ruffling my hair.


"Mom, is this really necessary?" I asked as my father searched my room. " It is, unless you wanna admit someone else was in this house." I rolled my eyes and folded my arms in front of me. " What's that?" my mother pointed to my neck. I looked in the mirror to see what she was pointing to and it was Raven's mark. "Crap" I muttered covering it. Mom swatted my hand away getting a closer look at it. "You've met your mate and didn't say anything" my father asked annoyed. "Dad please" I sighed. "So he was here then?" My mother questioned I didn't answer her, why would she think my mate's a he I told her I'm gay. "Can we meet him at least" my dad asked, I reluctantly said yes. They left so I can clean up. I texted her that we'd have to postpone that movie date.

Ravy: what why?

You: my parent want to meet you and your parents

Ravy: ….

       Alright babe dinner's at eight

I smiled. I still can't believe it. I wonder how they would react when they actually meet her..and her parents. I love them but her father can be a bit forward.


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