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I'm really nervous about today. My beta told me that we're ready to leave, I told him to grab Blake and start heading for their borderlines. It's been years since I set foot in that territory, not since that fall out. The consequences of showing my face back there is the least of my concern, but Raven has to know why left for so long.


Little time has passed and Grace and I were sitting on the couch watching stranger things. The atmosphere was getting tenser by the minute as Willow became restless with her so close. and I could see Grace was trying her hardest to keep Ashen at bay. I want to comfort her but I have to keep my distance a bit. "I'm... going to get some water." She muttered I nodded, goddess why is this so hard? ' Wouldn't we just get this over with' Willow smirked. ' oh, shut up' I rolled my eyes. Grace made her way from the kitchen back to the couch but instead towards me.

"What's the matter?" I asked but she didn't answer. Not a word was uttered as she sat on my lap. Shocked, I gazed into her eyes. They were bright hazel her wolf took over. I buckled over my words as she just stared at me lustfully making Willow fight more to gain control. "Mark me please" she said huskily leaning in. Giving into my wolf desire.I know mother said to behave but she'll understand.

She let out a small gasp as I trailed down her neck with kisses until I found her spot again. My fangs appeared and pierced her soft flesh. A moan escaped her soft lips. I licked the little blood that had been drawn, she pulled away and connected our lips. I groaned as she bit my lower as she pulled away making her way towards my neck. She marked me, but I could see she wanted more than I wanted more to. But once again we were interrupted as my father asked me to come to the packhouse immediately. Willow got irritated and grumbled that he could wait, but he said it was urgent. I have to go.

"Raven" she called cupping my face, I answered gripping her waist. " I love you " she whispered into my ear, making me purr in delight. " I love you too, and I don't want to interrupt the moment but my father called for us to meet at the packhouse". Leaving a small peck on my lips she got off. ' You know Raven it's getting old' Willow rolled their eyes " Relax they'll see the mark and back off." that seems to put them at ease for the time being.

At the pack entrance we noticed that the guards had been amped up, it had to be something bad. Entering the house I could hear yelling coming from my father's office. The voice sounded familiar as we got closer entering the room. My father.....and sister were at each other's throats. I growled at their attention. "Raven.." father cleared his throat and sat back at his desk. "Raven.." my sister said. "Emma" I greeted her but turned my attention back to father. "What's the problem here?" He sat up in his chair "We got Blake. Emma brought him in" he spoke.

"Blake....where did you find him?" I asked, stunned. " He was a part of my pack, I heard you were looking for him so I brought him," she answered."I what was all the yelling for?"

"Well father is not so keen about my presence here." she spoke bitterly. I glared at him remembering what was said to me last night. I sent Grace to look for my mother just to get her out of this crossfire. Calmly I spoke. " Father, Emma lets have a civil conversation where we can settle this like adults please". He started fumbling with more papers. "I don't think there is anything to talk about.” It pissed me off. I was to tell him off but Emma tapped my shoulder and shook her head.

"Don't mind him furball, he's as stubborn as always" Emma said as they were glaring at each other. I rolled my eyes and walked out of there. I really wanted to punch his lights out. Harder than that time in the hospital but I'm better than that."Raven!" Emma shouted after me, father tarnished my mood to talk. I wasn't into catching up at the moment.


Is she mad at me? I mean she has a right to be, I should just give her some space. I decided to wander around the territory. It's been a while things have changed. As I was walking around I felt a pair of eyes staring me down. I did expect to get a few looks but this one just stuck, it felt different. I turned to see who it was, a member on watch he smirked and went back to what he was doing. My wolf spoke curiously of the brief encounter. I just hummed, making her roll her eyes in response."Emma...?" I heard my mother call, she was with Raven's mate. "Hi mother it's been a while" I chuckled nervously, she pulled me into a tight hug. I've missed her motherly embrace. I heard soft sobs and realised it was coming from her.

"Mommy is everything alright?" I asked. "It's nothing, I'm just glad to see you again. After all this time" she sniffled. "I'm glad to see you too mom" I smiled, whipping away her tears. "I'll leave you two to catch up," Raven's mate said with a bright smile on her face. "Wait...."," Grace" she nodded. "Grace, it was nice meeting you," I smiled. She nodded and went on her way. Mom and I caught up and she filled me in on what happened while I was gone. The moments of humorous grief and the trouble Raven's gotten in and what happened on that day.

Believe me I was still pissed but I contained it. I've realised she's been through a lot and so has Raven. I told her what had happened in the packhouse and she just sighed. "Don't mind your father, his mind is just stuck in the old times. As for Raven give her a little space she just got out you know" I just nodded. "But I'm sure Raven would love to mend things with you, so you can stay at the packhouse for a few days," she offered."Mom I- you don't have to", " No I insist I would love to spend some more time with you, just a few days" she pleaded. I agreed just because this is my mom of course I would.

I linked my beta to notify them that I’ll be out for a few days and keep the pack in line until then, they understood my orders. I accompanied mom back to the pack house, inside we ran into a familiar man from my childhood. " Emma, is that you?" he asked. "Mr. Locket, long time no see" I put my hand out for him to shake."Nonsense I told you to call me Dawn" he said hugging me while I laughed hugging him back. My mother giggled. " Sorry Luna, for what do I owe the pleasure" he asked.

"Well Dawn, can you prepare a room for Emma". " I'll have it ready by tonight, Luna," he said. "Hey dad I'm going out for a run with Autumn and Riley" I heard a voice speak behind me. It was the boy from before. "Luna" he spoke respectfully.

"Who's this?" he asked, looking towards me. "Oh, this is Luna's eldest daughter Emma, Emma this is my son Jordon".


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