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Some days I can't help but hate the way I look

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Some days I can't help but hate the way I look. If I look into the mirror long enough, I can see my mother staring back at me. All the hatred she has for me. All the regret she has. All the wishes and dreams she couldn't fulfill because she had me.

"Look at these." Seth said as he pulled out a journal. I looked up at him with a confused look. Alyssa leans forward, grabbing the journal.

"I love these." She began flipping through the pages of pictures. The pictures were of all types of things.
It's like he takes pictures of everything.

Some of the forest and wildlife. Some of the pictures are of people in the city. Even Alyssa is in some of the photos.

The pictures looks like it is straight out of a memory.
Underneath each picture was a little note.

Two white flowers with water droplets grabbed my attention. The leaves in the background could barely be seen do to the black and white filter. Reading the note that Seth had written underneath it said.

Even the most pure and innocent people can be covered in darkness.


I was walking down the hall with Seth at my side. He rambles on about something. "Have you ever really liked someone." He blurted out.

Looking over at him, he was biting the inside of his cheek and he was playing with the strings of his hoodie.

"I guess." I reply with a blank tone and continue walking. Waiting for him to continue talking again, because I know he isn't done.

"Well....." I smile to myself. I knew he was going to keep talking. "I like this guy and I know he likes me back, but...." Giving him a side glance as he tries to find the words.

"But he just....you know, what forget it." He let out a deep sigh, like he is frustrated with himself.
"No, don't pull that 'forget it' shit." I stopped in my tracks and pointed to him.

I can't handle it when someone says forget it or never mind. Like no you better fucking not. Now I need to know what you were trying to say or I'm going to lose my fucking mind.

And I don't think you want me to lose my mind.

You already have lost your damn mind. What are you talking about?

Why the fuck do you think you can just talk shit?

Because I can.

You son of a bi-

"I don't think he knows how to be happy." Seth confesses. A slight frown makes its way to his lips.
"Owen?" His head snapped in my direction. I'm surprised that his neck didn't snap from how fast he turned his neck.

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