50| believe

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I stare up at my ceiling, her words filling my head

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I stare up at my ceiling, her words filling my head. It's like she owns my mind and my soul. All I can think of is her.

Everything leads back to her, every thought. Everything I do always seems to lead back to her.

I just wanted to pull her into my arms when the first tear fell but I couldn't. I love her yet I hate her. I trust her and yet I don't.

How could someone ever be so torn between the two. My feelings have never made any sense when it comes to her.

My gut is in knots. It has been for the last two days. I haven't even been able to get up from my bed.

The overwhelming feeling to need to know if what London said was true. I don't think my grandfather would ever do something like that but this feeling in my gut has me thinking that maybe he would.

I don't want to believe her. Because if I do then that means the person that raised me, that took me in after my mother left me is a liar and took the only thing that I ever truly cared about, away from me.

I run my hands through my messy hair with a groan. I let my hands drop on my comforters with a thud.

Feeling around for my phone so I can check the date. Reading that it was friday. I lift myself out of my bed and go to my closet, grabbing a bag and throwing any outfit in there.

I need to know if London was telling the truth. I quickly get ready as I make a few phone calls.

Once the plane flight is official I quickly finish packing before grabbing my keys and leaving for the airport. 

If London was telling the truth I don't know what I would do. My hand grips the steering wheel so tight that my knuckle starts to turn white.

The closer I get to the airport the more my gut twists.

This overwhelming feeling takes over making me feel nauseous. It is so bad it makes me feel sick to my stomach.

When I feel my phone ring, I quickly answer it. "How are you, boy?" I hear my grandfather's voice come through the phone.

"Good grandpa. I just wanted to let you know that I'm coming into town for business and wanted to stop by." I lied. I could practically hear him grinning from the other end of the phone when he said it.

"That would be great, son. See you soon." I say a quick goodbye as I pull into the airport parking lot.


The whole 3-hour flight, I couldn't stop thinking about London's words. The way her voice broke when she pleaded for me to believe her.

When the gates to my grandfather's house opened, letting me enter the property, I drove up the long driveway until I stopped right in front of the house.

I stared at the large house that I had grown up in. Pushing open the door to the rental car. I leave my bag in the car, not wanting to take it out just yet.

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