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It has been a few days and Kurt has been spending time with his mate as much as he could.

Like right now. They were at Andy's place and they were at the kitchen doing homework 📚 while eating snacks.

"I'll be right back" Andy says and leaves.

"Ok" Sarah says "I know it's you Kurt" she puts her hands on her hips "why are you a teenager again?"

"You catch on quickly Sarah" Kurt says "it's this" he points to the bracelet "as long as I wear this I can be a teenager again and get to know Andy"

"He's your mate isn't he?" Sarah asks.

"Yes he is" Kurt says "he's hard to get close too"

"Of course he is" Sarah says "he doesn't get close to anyone after losing his parents"

"I know that" Kurt says "my brother told me everything on what happened"

"He doesn't know about any of this supernatural stuff" Sarah says.

"Lilly was a witch and wasn't her husband one too?" Kurt says "right?"

"Yes" Sarah says "both of Andy's parents were both witches, but Lilly was something else and her husband was a black panther shifter as well"

"And what was Lilly's other thing?" Kurt asks.

"I can't tell you, until I'm sure if Andy has inherit anything from his parents" Sarah says "it was Lilly's last request before she died"

"I understand" Kurt says. "But you'll have to tell him eventually when he finds out about my wolf 🐺 when I tell him"

"I don't know how he'll handle that" Sarah says.

Just then they heard screaming and that made them run to the scream and they saw Andy on the floor with his hands burned.

"Oh my god" Kurt says going to him.

"What happened?" Sarah asks as she looks at his hands "oh my god"

Andy was crying in pain "I was just washing my hands after using the bathroom when all of sudden the water turned into fire and I fell to the ground"

Sarah then grabbed some medicine and wrap and took care of his hands "that should help with the pain and to help recover as well"

"Here" Kurt says and picks him up and puts him back on the wheel chair "let's get you out of here and into your room to rest"

"What about our homework?" Andy asks.

"Don't worry about that right now" Sarah says "just rest right now"

Kurt then put him to bed and they left him to rest.

"What the hell was that?" Kurt asks.

"I don't know" Sarah says and walks to the bathroom and starts looking for clues "I sense something"

"What is it?" Kurt asks.

"I sense magic in here" Sarah says. And then waves her hand and they see a magic substance "someone put a magic spell on here to hurt who ever turned on the water" she then puts her hands together and gathered the magic substance and puts it in a jar she made appear "take this to the pack house and find out who did this" she hands him the jar "while I take care of him"

Kurt then left and went to the pack house.

When he gets there he went to see the witches and busted the door open and that made them jump.

"Hello Alpha" they said being scared of the look on his face.

"What could we help you with?" Brittany asks.

"Someone put a spell on my mate's home and now his hands are burned" Kurt says.

"My god" Brittany says "what can we do?"

"Find out who did this and this jar has a magic residences from it" Kurt says.
Brittany takes the jar and drops it in a cauldron and she uses her magic 🪄 and when it stops she walks back to him. "Well?"

"What I could find was that it was a witch, but the bad news is that I don't know who it is" Brittany says.

"I thought witches could find each other" Kurt says.

"Usually yes, but who ever did this knows how to cover their tracks, but don't worry" Brittany says "I'll keep searching"

"Good" Kurt says "contact me when you find something"

After that he left and Brittany went looking for clues on who did this.

After that he left and Brittany went looking for clues on who did this

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