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It has a been a few days since the incident with Andy.

Kurt had the witches find anything and there was nothing.

Until Kurt got a call from the head witch and he said he was on his way.

"Report" Kurt says as he walks in.

"I'm sorry, Alpha" Brittany says. "I have tried every trick I know, and I just can't find the source of that magic. It's unknown."

"How is that possible? You're the head witch of the pack you should know everything." Kurt says.

"Even a head witch doesn't know everything" Brittany says.

"My mate could have died that day and that means me too" Kurt says.

"I know that Alpha" Brittany says "I'll keep searching, even if I have to go see..........her"

"You said you'd never talk to her" Kurt says.

"If it means looking after the future Luna and keeping him safe I'll open that can of worms 🪱 if I have too" Brittany says.

"That's why you're the head witch of the pack you're not afraid to go beyond" Kurt says.

After that he left.

Brittany thought long and hard before she decided to go see her.

She then used her magic and teleported to her location and appeared at a building.

The building was a place where old and retired supernatural creatures come too.

She then walks in and saw a lot of old people and then went to the front desk where a female Neko.

A Neko is a person that was born with animal traits. Like with animal ears and a tail.

And the lady had cat ears and a cat tail.

"How can I help you?" She asks.

"I'm here to see a witch that was the head witch of the Red Moon Pack before me" Brittany says.

"Oh, you want to see Mrs. Brea" she says.

"Yes" Brittany says "where is she?"

"Out back surrounded by candles meditating" she says.

"Thank you" Brittany says.

And goes out back and when she gets there she saw a woman surrounded by candles everywhere and her eyes were closed and Brittany was gonna say something, but got cut off.

"Hello, Brittany" she says and opens her eyes.

"Hello...................................mom" Brittany says and crosses her arms.

"What can I do for you Bri?" She asks "because I know you wouldn't just come visit, unless it's something you need"

That's Brittany's nickname for her from her mom.

"Your right about that" Brittany says "I mean, what do you expect from a mother who never spent the day with her own daughter and yet she spends all her time at work and my spoiled older brother"

"I'll admit" she stands up "I wasn't the best mother to you and for that I have apologized countless times over, but the reason I spoiled your brother is because he was human. He didn't have any powers or a Shapeshifter and I didn't want him to feel neglected just because he was different" she walks to her "and I'm sorry for that, but this isn't about the past. It's about something else, so what is the reason you've come to see me after all these years?"

"Alpha Kurt finally found his mate" Brittany says.

"That's great news" she says "so what's the bad news?"

"His mate was attacked by magic and his hands were burned" Brittany says.

"Oh my" she says "is his mate alright?"

"He's still recovering" Brittany says. "And Alpha Kurt has asked me to find out who did it, but sadly no matter what I tried" she sighs "I can't find a trace to who did it"

"Did you bring anything from the attack?" She asks.

"Yes" Brittany says and pulls out a vile with a magic resident "I got this from the Alpha"

She grabs it and closes her eyes and waves her hand over it and then she opens her eyes and looks at Brittany.

"It was someone with magic, but this was no accident" she says.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asks.

"This was caused by someone who's new to magic" she thinks "was he alone when it happened?"

"Yes, Alpha Kurt said that his mate was washing his hands after using the bathroom and then his hands were burned" Brittany says.

"It was his mate" she says.

"What do you mean?" Brittany asks.

"Kurt's mate burned himself without even realizing it" she says.

Brittany gasps.

Brittany gasps

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