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I parked my car and entered my house as quickly as possible and saw dad sitting on the couch with his laptop and some other official papers beside him. He was probably doing some work stuffs on his laptop.

He noticed me after like 10 seconds. "It's almost 11 Daniel. You should've let us know if you were staying over." dad spoke not looking up from his computer.

Before I could say something mom appeared out of nowhere and spoke for 'me'. "As if he ever does that. We'll be the last person he'll call to inform something." she said and walked past me. Dad didn't say anything and kept on working.

"Go shower and get ready Daniel. Your uncle will be here soon. Your aunt is tagging along too." mom said and sat on the other couch facing dad with her laptop. These workaholics.

I didn't say anything and just went upstairs to my
room. I was feeling like an absolute shit. I took a 25 minute shower and came out looking fresh as ever but inside I was still too tired to even breath. But my tiredness has to wait because I don't wanna get lectured by my perfectionist parents again.

To my perfectionist parents, an imperfection like me was no worse than a curse. Of course they never said it out loud but it has to be true. Now I have good looks, good grades and I am a possessor of the greatest fakest business smile ever— I used it when I went to 'expensive people banquets'. Despite having all those things I am lacking one thing, compliance.

I am a total rebel but I knew how to handle myself at the very last moments. My parents don't like it very much because it is risky, which it obviously is.

I put on some clean and decent yet flashy looking clothes and went downstairs. My uncle and aunt were supposed to be here at 12 pm for lunch but I was lucky that they were late because I only got out of shower around 11:20 or something.

It was 11:50 when I went downstairs and saw everything was in it's place neatly set up. My uncle and aunt came at 12:30 and we had lunch together. I pretended I was very happy which I certainly was not.

After eating they were talking about official stuffs which I wasn't interested in at all. They talked for a while before they felt the need to drag me into the conversation. God, I hated it so much.

"There's another family who recently moved to America. Their business is really well. We got acquainted with them a few months ago. Do you remember?" my uncle asked. My dad nodded and told him the owners name and they kept on talking.

"I believe their son is in the same school with Daniel." uncle said which made me invisibly choke on air. Dad noticed my posture and gave me the eye. I fixed it and looked at uncle. "I think we should probably give them that proposal and make a healthy connection with them. It'll help our business and just in case, Daniel be nice to his son. You'll meet him soon." uncle said and before I could ask anything more regarding the matter, mom called me to sit with her and aunt.

Uncle and aunt left around 3pm. Now it was my turn to ask mom and dad about what it was. "What did he mean when he said I'll meet him soon?" I asked dad and he looked at me. "We're gonna attend a banquet soon, you'll meet him there. So, cancel all your plans for Sunday." Dad said.

Cancel all my plans for Sunday? That was fucking ridiculous but I couldn't do anything about it. My luck was shit and I needed to accept it.

"Ilson..wilson..hey Wilson." I heard a husky yet soft voice whisper-yelling my name. I forced myself to look at the figure who was doing that and I saw the transfer guy. Oh, I was in school.

So, I had unconsciously dozed off in the middle of history class. Oh, fuck. Ms. Miller's class. I almost panicked but I regained my calm posture before I could start panicking. "She didn't notice me sleeping right? She'll make my day hell." I nervously asked. I seriously didn't wanna get my parents called. She said she'll call them if I get caught dozing off in the class for the 6th time.

"No but you were about to get caught. Adele was calling Ms. Miller with the intention of getting you caught but you're lucky since I noticed before she could." he said and smiled. I noticed another thing, his smile looked like something between a smile-smirk. What was he even so smiley about.

"Thanks dude I owe you one." I said and we both turned our heads back to look at Ms. Miller. Thank god, she was still busy blabbering something.

It was lunch after Ms. Miller's class. I walked to the cafeteria and saw my friends in the usual spot. I went up to them and this time willingly sat beside Jess. Surprising thing was Serena was with us today. "Decided to ditch your boyfriends to sit with us finally Ser?" I questioned and she laughed.

"Hoes, actually." she corrected me. "Wow that's rude Serena." Mia said sarcastically. "I know, I'm so evil." she said and laughed. Serena was a part of the popular kids group and she was the head cheerleader.

Now you might not wanna believe me but almost all cheerleaders at our school were somewhat evil in their own ways. She was the head of cheerleaders so it was worse. She obviously sat with us for her own benefits but I wonder what she needed from us today.

"Guys.." she decided to speak. Here she goes again. "I kinda like this guy." She said and everyone looked more or less annoyed. "Let's not talk about guys for now Ser. Leave them." Duke said with a frown. "Listen, just this one please!" she requested and everyone couldn't help agreeing.

"You know the new transfer guy? Elias Vega? I like him." she said and 'blushed'. "It's not only you Ser, almost half of the school probably likes him." Jess said. "And the other half likes Dan." Mia said and laughed. Others joined her and let out a small 'eheh' too. What's wrong with them.

"I know they do like him. But my case is special." she said and everyone seemed to frown. "How is your case special?" Jayden asked. "I hooked up with him at Damien's." she said and giggled 'shyly'.

"It's not only you he's gonna hook up with. He'll hook up with tons of other girls and god knows how many girls he made out with before he fucked you." Jayden said and rolled his eyes in the process. "Shut up Jayden. He still hooked up with me." she said, specifying the 'me'.

"Yeah he 'hooked up' with you and that is the problem. Stop dreaming Ser." Duke said and started eating his food. She spoke some more after that but we were too busy eating to listen to any of that crap.

There was 15 more minutes left of lunch time and the others were too busy tapping their phones. I got up from the chair and went to the rooftop and saw Vega standing there. So close to the railing, again. I knew it was him by seeing his broad shoulder. They were really noticeable.

As I entered it made some sound and he looked back. We made eye contact and he let out a small 'hey' after two seconds. I went closer to him and stood beside him.

We silently stayed there together until it was time for classes to start again.

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