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"Y'all are exaggerating, stop." Jason said clearly annoyed at their childishness. "Shut up, Jason. You're like more bothered than Dan is. Not like you're going on a date with him." Mia said and rolled her eyes. "Not a date." Jason corrected her.

"What the hell Jason. Are you jealous or something?" Duke said and smirked. This prick. "What? No, the hell! He's my best friend. I could never think of him that way. But who knows maybe you jerk off thinking about him." Jason said and wiggled his eyebrows. These pricks.

"Him and Mia." Duke corrected and we all chocked on our breaths. Fucking pricks. Gonna be the death of me.

After dropping all of them off. I went back home. Mom and dad weren't there. Probably busy with their work. It was always me, who ended up alone with no one here. So, how the hell am I supposed to call this shit 'home'.

Weekdays are understandable but they do the same every weekend too. Mom at a friends house and dad working in his room all day. What good parents.

I walked to my room, changed clothes and got out of the house as I let the maids know that I won't be eating at home today. I was at the gym for a while and I showered there. Soon after I got a text from Vega. He asked me where I wanted to go and I said Mcdonalds.

Fuck, that was too plain.

"Were you waiting for too long?" Vega suddenly appeared and took the seat in front of me. "No I also just go here. Like 5 minutes ago." I said and he muttered a 'thank god'.

"Uh you know Mcdonalds was a really plain choice but I couldn't help it you know. You asked so suddenly and I like it here..overall sorry we could've gone to a better place." I apologized and he looked at me, confused.

"What do you mean plain? It's better than most other places and I didn't have anything in my mind either so it's a big deal that you came up with something at least." he said and that actually made me feel a bit better about..choosing Mcdonalds. I sound so dumb.

"What do you wanna eat?" Vega asked and I looked at him, annoyed. "This is the 5th time you asked me this. Shut up already." I said and he just rolled his eyes. "You're such a picky eater." Vega said and then called the waiter who was standing just a few feet away.

"What would you like to order, sirs?" the waiter asked politely. "We'll take two lebanon's grand chicken special, two large fries and two large cokes." Vega said and the waiter hurriedly wrote down those.

"Woah, you sure can eat." I said and Vega looked at me with one of his eyebrows lifted up. "What do you mean? I ordered for the two of us." he said and my mouth almost gaped. "What? But I don't wanna eat that! I like a regular cheese burger. Okay, two maybe." I said and he just looked at me.

"Oh, you want me to add two cheese burgers too? Okay, excus-" he was about to call the waiter when I put my hand on his mouth to stop him from calling. Now I could use my voice but he wasn't one to listen. "Vega you're so dumb. I doubt I would've known you properly if I hadn't come here today." I said and let go of my hand.

He grinned like an idiot. "Trust me the lebanon's grand chicken is so good." he said and I rolled my eyes.

Our orders arrived and the burger looked..tasty. I have to admit that after complaining so much about that burger, I devoured it so well. We finished our devouring session of food and both got up from our seats. "Food's on m-" He payed for it before I could finished speaking.

"I wanted to pay." I said and he just smiled. "Not when I'm around." Vega said and grinned. "Next time, I'm paying." Just as I said that Vega stopped dead on his tracks. I got startled and asked him what was wrong. "Next time?" he questioned and I was dumbfounded.

"Ohh, should we not go for a next time then?" I asked and he quickly shook his head. "No no, there should definitely be a next time. No actually not 'a' next time but a lots of next times." he said and I chuckled. "Well, why not?"

I was back home and it was 6pm. 1 and a half hour spent with Vega and surprisingly I didn't touch my phone at all during that time.

I let myself fall into my bed and checked my phone. Messages from Jason, Jess, Nasty couple #1(D), Nasty couple #2(M), Ser , .... Wait, Ser? She barely texts me. I swear if it's about Vega again.

Guess what? It was about Vega. Our trip with the Vegas was 3 days away now. That reminds me I need to pack my stuffs. My parents talked to the principle beforehand and we were good to go. I wonder how his other friends are and I wonder how stupid Ser can get for a guy. Hope she doesn't embarrasses herself.

I was almost falling asleep when I heard footsteps coming upstairs. I got up in a hurry and opened my bedroom door. "Fuck. You caught us." It was Mia in a pennywise costume and the others in other horrible ones. "What the fuck." I said as I shivered. "We wanted to scare you and moreover wanted to know how the date with Vega went." Duke said and grinned.

"It wasn't a date- ugh whatever. Come inside and..take those costumes off." I said and they all entered my room. We just planned how many suitcases we'll take and what we'll do in the trip. Weird that 'popular kids' also spend time thinking, no? It was pretty normal between us.

It was 9 when they left. We had dinner together. My parents usually come around 11 so I don't bother going down to see them. I set an alarm for 12:30 am and covered myself comfortably with the sheets.

I heard the clock tick, slowly the sound of it drifting as I fell in a deep sleep.

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