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"Your dad is so good at barbecuing." Duke said to me as he proceeded to snatch the last one left on the plate. "Mhm. At least he's good at one thing which is not work." I said and frowned.

While Duke was paying attention to what I was saying, Jess took the chance and took the last barbecued chicken from the plate and that was the start of their not-soon-ending fight.

Our parents bid us goodbye before leaving us in the garden. The smell of barbecued chicken still there. The helpers started to clean away everything. "Yo wanna drink?" Jason offered and Mia's face lit up. "Hell yes!" she said in a hurry as if he was going to take back his words.

"Nah, thanks I'm done for today." Jess said. "Me too." Ser said as she popped behind Jess. I had totally forgotten about her. Duke joined in and I wasn't in the mood today so, I also refused. Elias refused too.

Jess decided she'd go for a walk with Ser before going back to our cottage house. Elias and I said we'd go back right now. And that meant, we were gonna be alone. For a while actually.

The three of them weren't gonna stop drinking any soon and Ser is a talkative person, a very talkative person and Jess likes a lively conversation. So there's a high chance they'll come back from their 'short' walk after an hour or so.

We went upstairs to our room and as soon as we stepped in, Elias's phone rang. He excused himself and went downstairs to talk while I was left alone in that room.

I sat on the right side of my bed. Got my phone out of my back pocket and left it there to charge. I turned off the all the lights except the one nightlight on the nightstand.

Elias came in sat on his bed. We were facing each other. I felt it would get awkward if we kept staring at each other like that and decided to break the silence.

"Wanna hear that bedtime story?"

"My parents were always busy. After I was given birth, my father wasn't there. Well, he had work. Now it would be over dramatic and childish of me to dwell on something so small like that so I let it go. Basically all my life I was left with maids, caretakers and babysitters till I reached 6." I paused to take a look at his face and he had an unreadable look.

"My mom and dad would basically come home at 11pm, still do. But I didn't mind because that was work. They were doing that to give me a better future but I wish that's how it actually was. They're perfectionists and workaholics. Two worst things together. They didn't care if I was sick, drunk, drugged, beaten up and rebellious only in front of close people." I said.

It looked liked he wanted to say something but stopped. "They wouldn't care about my flaws if I got perfect grades and if I was perfect to those stupid persons they like to call 'important people'. As I grew up I noticed how it was only for their satisfaction and not for my better future. That was so stupid of me to think. They never once said they love me. I did, a lot of times. Which I regret now." I paused again and took a deep breath.

"Soon enough I realized that they were selfish and thought of themselves too righteously and highly and didn't give a fuck about me. I mean, I was lying on a hospital bed with a broken bone and they had the audacity to send their secretaries." I said and forced a laugh. He was looking down.

"They're just bad parents. It's not that deep. That's what I used to tell myself. But lord they are like so bad at parenting it makes me wanna sob and whine like a little child sometimes." I said and smiled. "Cheer up." I said to Elias and he looked up.

"You didn't say it was going to be a sad bedtime story." he said and I laughed. "I'll warn you next time." I said and he frowned. "There better be no next time."

It was 1:15 in the morning and those 5 of them were still not back. That call Elias took earlier was from his friends. They decided they weren't coming. Well, it's a bummer but I guess they had their reasons. Elias went to sleep at 1 and he was dead asleep now.

I scrolled through my phone for a while and after 10 minutes, heard the door open. It was Jess. I looked at my screen to see the time and it said 1:30 am. "What are you doing here?" I said, my voice a bit low since I didn't wanna wake Elias up.

She didn't reply to me instead she came towards me and kissed me. She was drunk. Jason must've forced her to drink and she got carried away. I pushed her off lightly but she came at me again. I pushed her off again and held her tight so she couldn't come at me again.

"You're drunk, go to bed Jess." I said and gave her a peck. 'No' was what she said before she pounced on me. It was just basic kissing till she slipped her tongue inside, causing my tongue to tangle with hers. I sucked onto her tongue and she moaned lightly.

As our making out session kept getting passionate and her moans did too. Suddenly realization hit me and I quickly turned my head to look at Elias. He was awake. He had his pillow over his face and laid there like a corpse. Then I saw him move.

He threw the pillow to his side and got up. He looked at us and saw me staring and stared back. He looked really annoyed. Anyone would, if a making out session done by others were to ruin your peaceful sleeping session, at midnight that is.

He left his bed and then the room. I watched him go as I still had Jess's lips glued to mine. After 15 minutes or so Jess passed out and I quickly left the room to check on Elias. And oh lord, I shouldn't have done that.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw Ser giving him a hand job while he was busy fingering her mouth. Now, what the fuck. Just because I was making out and annoyed him doesn't mean he should just go out in the middle of the night and have sex. Okay maybe it's his decision but it didn't feel good at all to see my friends getting it on.

Seeing the bulge he had in his pants I figured he was a monster. Not even my bulge is that big and mine is 9. He saw me there but kept on going just like how I did with Jess and oh how much that pissed me off. I don't know why but it did.

I went upstairs and picked up Jess from my bed. I walked downstairs with her in my arms and took her to her room. As I was going back Ser noticed me. "Dan!" she called out. Fuck, no. I turned back to face her and saw Elias looking too.

"Come join us baby!" she said and my whole body cringed. Baby? Hell no. But from the way she was talking I could tell she was drunk. "Fuck off Ser." I said, smiled and gave her the finger. She just laughed.

Apparently saying 'no' was much ruder and hurtful than saying 'fuck off' between me and Ser. She decided on that.

I opened my room's door then shutting it loudly enough for the downstair horny people to hear. I laid down, checked the time. 2:00 am.

I shut my eyes close and then eventually fell in a deep sleep which I didn't wake up from till my friends barged into my room yelling for me to get up for breakfast at 7 am. Bastards.

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