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"Good morning Daniel." dad said, his eyes still on his computer. 'Mhm' was what I replied with which caught dad's attention for a second but he went back to his computer again anyways. Mom came downstairs and took the seat beside dad which also happen to be the seat across mine.

"Daniel." she paused. I looked up at her and stopped eating. "Good morning." she finished. All that silence to just wish me a 'good morning'? Woah, my parents are something. The rest of the time we all stayed quiet. It was back. My daily disgusting life. Words cannot express how much I hate it.

"Daniel." dad called. "Yeah?" I asked not looking up from my phone. "About yesterday, your mom and I are sorry. We should've understood you better but you acting this way really hurt me and your mother. I wish to avoid any kind of commotion between us." he said and I nodded. I wanted to scoff and mock him.

I was at my school within 15 minutes and saw Jess standing in front of my locker. I forgot about her. Totally, entirely. "He—" before I could even properly greet her she came onto me. She kissed me and I kissed her back. Didn't want to, wasn't in the mood.

I pushed her back a bit and she frowned. "Is this about yesterday?" she asked. "No, I'm just not having the best day." I said and smiled. Her frown grew wider. "Aw, baby." this is what I was not ready for. We're not even in a real relationship and you're calling me baby? Maybe I'm freaking out too much but it doesn't feel right. Yeah, maybe if we were friends it would've been different but saying it seriously just feels wrong.

I shook my head. Trying to not freak out over the silliest things. Today was not my lucky day. I walked over to my class and noticed it was the class I had with Elias.

I sat down on my usual seat and started scrolling through my phone. After scrolling through it for about 2 minutes, I heard someone pull the chair behind. It was Elias. He sat down and let out a 'Hey' and I let one out too.

Our teacher entered the class and not even 15 minutes through the class I was bored as fuck. I was bored and having a fucked up day. Talk about worst. This is the mother of worst. I sighed unconsciously and let my head down. Of course Elias noticed it.

"He's gonna give you an earful if he catches you, you know." he said and I chuckled. "Concerned about me? Cute." I joked and he laughed. Not loudly for us to get scolded. "I hate this stupid class." I groaned, not too loudly.

"Do you have things planned out after school?" he asked and I shook my head no. "Why?" I asked. "Wanna come to my house?" he offered and I was a bit taken aback. Nonetheless, I said yes.

Classes passed by and it was already lunch break. I saw my friends gather around and Jess specially left a seat for me beside her. She never does that. She's too carefree to think about things like that. She used to be.

I went closer to them and Jason blew me a kiss. "Hey babe." Mia greeted and Duke blew me a kiss after that. See, this is okay. They are my literal platonic friends. Everything I have with them is platonic and nothing fake going on. My sentiments towards Jess is platonic but it's not the same for her which makes me uneasy whenever she addresses me as her 'babe' seriously. It kind of creates a guilt in me.

"Hey." I greeted and sat down beside Jess. She eyed me weirdly then went back to texting again. "What's wrong Jess?" Duke asked and she looked up leaving her phone beside her. "What do you mean?" she questioned. "You didn't say hey to Daniel today. You're like the first person to say hi-hello-whatever to him first."  Duke said and Jess looked a little taken back.

"So what? Leave it guys." I said and chuckled nervously. They all gave me a look but soon enough, went back to whatever they were doing. After 10 minutes I saw Jess leave. She pinched me on my thighs, meaning I had to come after 5 minutes. I did what I was hinted to do.

I met her by my locker, that's where we always meet if she pinches me secretly. "What's up?" I asked and she rolled her eyes. "Don't you have something to say?" she asked back. "What do you want me to say?" the questioning loop continued. "Seriously Dan, they're catching on." she said.

"Catching on to what?" I asked and she rolled her eyes again. "On to how weird we're acting around each other. You know what, let's just tell them. How bad can it even be? If we break up, we can just say it was a mutual breakup and stay friends." she said and I stood there quietly.

"Say something." she demanded. "I don't think that's the best idea Jess." I paused and tucked her hair behind her ear. She was weak to that. "Let's try to act normal and it won't harm if we're a bit flirty. They know we're like that. So don't stress okay?" I asked, wanting her to reassure me that she won't fuck this up. She didn't need to know the latter though.

"Okay." she said and smiled. I smiled back. We both went back to the cafeteria and enjoyed lunch acting a little less weird than before. Lunch time ended and we went back to our classes.

On my way to A.P physics, I saw Vega. He was with a blonde haired guy, about 5'9 or a bit more. Somewhat skinny but toned. I could see it from his t-shirt because it was literally sticking to his body. He had chocolate-y brown eyes and judging from his movements and gestures he seemed to have a chocolate like personality, meaning sweet.

And right after that, I thought of the unthinkable—for me to think. Vega was grinning. Yeah I've seen him grin but it was different. He looked a lil too happy. I sound so evil. So—what if he likes the guy? Okay, I shouldn't care. Fuck it, I'll care.

Vega noticed me and waved. I waved back. After walking for like 5 seconds. Him and I and the chocolate boy; all of us were facing each other. "You didn't forget about our plans, did you?" first thing he asked. That kinda gave me some reassurance. Reassurance for what? Don't ask.

I shook my head no and he smiled then walked away with that guy. I should've asked who he was. I'm so desperate. God I'm acting like a fourteen year old.

After that I went to A.P physics which happened to be my last class and slept the whole time. The bell rang and I quickly exited the class. For a while I was accompanied by my 'friends' and then soon enough they left and I went home.

Mom and dad were out to work. I had lunch and before leaving, told the maid that I might come back late. She asked me where I was going and I told her at Elias's. She didn't ask more. Didn't need to.

I hopped in my car. Drove for a few good minutes and there I was. In front of Elias's place.

To everyone reading this:
hi! i have my finals within 4 days, so this book will be going on hiatus for a while. ty for your patience!

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