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Elias's POV

"Hey!" Serena called out. Her voice was too energetic for a person awake at 8am. "Oh, hey." I said, giving no effort to sound energetic. "You look tired." she commented. "I am."

She kept on going about stuffs I didn't wanna know until the bell finally rang. Some guys came around me and started talking about parties, swimming and stuffs like that. Guys who were on the football team about football and eventually Daniel came in the midst of talking.

"Jason told me he's throwing a party this weekend." one of the guys I didn't bother to remember said. "Daniel's gonna be there so you know bro we aren't getting any chicks." unnamed extra #2 said. "Unless they're whores and too desperate to get dicked down." said unnamed extra #3. Well, that didn't end well.

The other guys started calling him stuffs and said things like "this is why you don't have a girlfriend' 'disrespectful rat' and then another guy just joined in and said he calls people's girlfriends whores. The same guy said that he called unnamed extra #1's girlfriend a whore and that's how they started fighting.

I didn't wanna be a part of whatever there was going on so I just left. Of course other people had to gather around, so I got stuck. Lack of life, check. First period didn't even start and the hallway was a mess. Instead of going to class people gathered around to see the fight. Teachers were probably rushing down and would be here in any minute now.

I saw Daniel and his friend group walking towards the fight from the end of the hallway. They were probably going to their class but they sure as hell can't now. Teachers came and broke down the fight and gave the students detention.

It was the class I had with Daniel. As usual we sat next to each other. I was feeling dead as fuck before the fight occurred but now I was full of energy. "The fight was something." Daniel said, the corners of his lips curved. "You seem happy about it." I said and he turned his head towards me. "No, I'm not." he replied, the smile not leaving his lips.

"You're coming to Jason's right?" he asked and I nodded. "Of course you are, otherwise Ser would be a crying wreck. She likes you a lot." I couldn't quite figure out his expression while the words left his mouth. Rather than focusing on what he was saying, I was focusing on him.

Daniel Wilson is special. At least to me. I've dated fair amount of girls and guys. The longest it lasted was close to 2 years. All other relationships of mine ended within 5 months or so. Cheating was the main cause and I was not the cheater. But if it was ever because of  losing feelings, I was the one who lost it. I've been around Daniel for what, 4 months now. Start of the senior year, start of the things I felt.

I don't even know how to make moves. Now the ones I made were just stupid ones. I don't get it. I used to be so confident but it just is not the same with Daniel. I'm the one smiling a lot but something inside me snaps when he smiles. He's too good. For anything and anyone. I like Daniel Wilson. A lot. There's no denying it.

"You good?" Daniel questioned and I got out of my chain of thoughts. "Yeah, yeah. I was just thinking about something." I replied and he nodded. We didn't talk much during class and soon it ended. We said our byes and went to our next class.

"Elias!" not again. I turned around and of course it was Serena. Now I'm sure I made it clear that it was only a one nightstand and nothing more to her about like 100 times but she just doesn't listen. "Yes?" I questioned. "How's it going?" she asked and I replied with a simple 'good'. "No, how's it going as in ignoring me." she said and I wanted roll my head. She's tiring.

"I'm not." I said and she stared at me, wanting to listen more. "Really." I said and smiled. She melted and tagged along with me. We talked about stuffs and I had to show my enthusiasm. I didn't wanna be called a jerk when I wasn't actually being one. "I'm looking forward to Jason's party." She said. "Yeah? That's good."

"Won't you ask me why?" she questioned and I didn't wanna take her whining any further so I asked. "Why?" "Well, It's because I've waited so long..to be with you again." she said as she glanced down. I gave her a smile and fixed her hair. That's all I needed to do to get out of that situation without saying a single word.

Classes went by faster than I expected and it was finally lunch time. I decided I was gonna skip it and skipped it. I wanted to go somewhere and I went there. To the roof. It was really windy today. Sunny and windy. It's the kind of weather that never made sense to me. I went close to the railing and got reminded of when I met Daniel. First encounter with him. He sounded so nervous, probably thought I was gonna jump or I was a school shooter. The thought of it alone made me smile unconsciously.

I heard the roof door open and close slowly. I turned around. Daniel. He was smiling for whatever reason I didn't know about. But that wasn't the matter. I swear his smile gets me so high. My head was pounding. I felt numb. I don't know if it was some kind of coincidence but the sunlight was on him. Eyes so bright that it could blind mine, lips in such a shape that dried mine; for his. He looked divine.

"Mind if I join,-" The sound of his voice was blurry. I was mesmerised. "-Elias?" as my name escaped his lips, I was snapped back to reality. "Not at all." I said and he walked to me, standing right beside me. I might've seemed so usual to him. Only if he knew how he gets me higher than any drugs, any person could.

I'm raving mad—no insane for Daniel Wilson and there was no way I knew of, back to sanity.

New POV! I hoped y'all liked it n sorry for such a delayed update, I'm gonna warn yall that this is gonna have a messed up schedule. So I apologize in advance. Also ty for 3k reads ! Never imagined I'd reach so far.

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