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"Dude why didn't you pick up my calls yesterday?" Duke asked while my other friends just looked at me, hoping I'd answer and not ignore his question. "My parents got me to cancel my plans and everything for Sunday for a stupid banquet." I replied and stabbed a piece of chicken with my fork.

"Aren't your parents too strict on you?" Mia questioned. I gave her a small 'yeah' as an answer and we let that topic go. They all knew I didn't like talking about my family. We talked about this and that when I eventually got bored and got up from my seat. I let out a small 'bye' and without another word I left.

I could hear there 'bye's but I didn't bother looking back. They were probably on their phone anyways so it wasn't me being rude.

There I was again at the roof. But to my surprise Vega wasn't there today. After he transferred here he'd always be on the roof though it wasn't allowed for anyone to be there. He was always there before me. No doubt he came to school today because I had history with him. Maybe he doesn't like being here with me? Maybe he wants to be alone?

"I guess my presence made him uncomfortable. Wait, what am I even thinking? That's ridiculous." I murmured and kind of said the latter line loudly. "Yeah, that's ridiculous." a voice came from behind and I turned my head back as quickly as possible and saw him standing there.

"I like having company." he said and smiled. Why does he smile so much. "I-uh, I was just lost in my thoughts." I said and I couldn't believe I hesitated while speaking. Now that was rare. It was almost as if I was nervous.

"I could tell." he said. "You don't make me uncomfortable." he added. "Yeah? I'm glad." I responded, trying not to sound nervous. I don't know what was happening to me. It was my first time being nervous after years. Last time when I got nervous was when I was 6 and getting an injection. And yes, I cried too.

"You alright?" he asked and it almost caught me off guard. "Yeah, why?" I asked trying not to sound nervous, again. "You just uh.. sound stiff today?" he said and my eyes almost widened. Did he realize that I'm being nervous? Okay but why am I nervous. The fuck.

I had so many things to figure out and I couldn't think straight. If I wanted him to be my friend why am I getting nervous? Is it because I always have people coming to me and I'm not the one who goes to them? Yeah, maybe that's it.

"Now you definitely don't seem okay to me." he said and I flinched back to reality. Yeah, flinch. Fuck I flinched. "No I'm alright. Just thinking about some stuffs." I replied and he still looked suspicious of me but let it go anyways. "You seem like you need space. I'll be leaving you here then, see ya." he said and waved to me before leaving my side.

I was about to say 'bye' to him, when he interrupted me. "Don't think too hard. Whatever you're thinking about, you're gonna figure it out eventually, alright?" he asked, sounding concerned. I turned back and saw him standing at the door of the roof.

Now this was my turn to smile. "Alright."

Classes went by and it was finally time for us to go home. Jason was coming to my house today and I decided to take him with me. I walked around the halls searching for him but he wasn't there.

I noticed Duke by the locker but he wasn't alone. I went closer and saw Mia. I was about to ask him if he had seen Jason but stopped myself before I could. He was smooching off Mia's face. I definitely didn't enjoy seeing live porn—it wasn't even close to being porn but we're gonna call that porn anyways, so I left without asking.

I got a message from Jason after 2 minutes saying that he'll be in front of my car within 15 minutes and that I should roam around a bit. I texted him an 'alright' and started walking around the hallways.

Soon after, I got a text from mom saying that we'll have people over next Saturday and I'll have to cancel my plans for weekend, again. It was so frustrating but I couldn't talk back. If I did, I'd be in trouble. I texted her an 'ok' and kept on walking.

I was walking through the hallway while scrolling through youtube. I didn't bother looking in front of me because almost everyone rushes out of school after classes end for the day. Even if some kids stay, there's barely anyone walking through the hallways. I kept on walking while focusing on my phone, when I bumped into a figure. I looked up.

It was Vega. "You alright?" he asked while grabbing my arm since I may have staggered back a bit. It was normal since he was pretty big and I was off guard. "Yeah but why are you still here?" I questioned. "I could ask you the same." he replied.

"Waiting for Jason. He's coming to my place today and we're gonna go together." I explained. "Oh, well I'm here because I don't wanna go home. Not yet." he said and I just nodded. "I'll probably still go home maybe." he added. "Sucks." I said and he just laughed slightly.

We both walked beside each other when he stopped, causing me to stop too. "What's wrong?" I asked and he looked at me with this expression I couldn't quite explain. "I was just thinking." he said. "Thinking what?" I asked. "You're different from the rumors." he said and I laughed. "That's it?" I asked again. "Yeah."

I smiled to myself and kept on walking when he stopped again. "What no-" I couldn't finish talking when he interrupted. "You look good today. Kinda mesmerizing too, not gonna lie." he finished and smiled.

I stood there in awe, thinking what had just happened. It wasn't the first time I was being complimented but it was the first time it felt genuine.

His phone buzzed. He took it out and checked what I'm assuming was a text. He looked up to me again and came closer. "I gotta go. See you tomorrow." he said with a smile plastered to his face. I couldn't respond because I was still stunned. That was so random but so satisfying.

I don't get it. It wasn't the first time I got complimented by someone but it felt..good? Yeah, it definitely felt good. Then again, everyone feels good after being complimented so it was normal for me to feel good too. But it was as if I wanted to hear that from him.

There my head goes again, thinking about things I'm supposed to be not thinking about. With Vega, I noticed the simplest things about myself. Things I never bothered to notice. His words somehow just seemed so genuine. It made me focus. Focus on myself.

It was unusual and very rare of me to do that since I lacked self-love. I hated things that confused me and created unstableness in my daily life. But for some reason, I didn't seem to hate Vega. Not even a little bit.


hey, to whoever's reading this chapter i'm sorry. it's 2:30 in the morning and my head is not working so i didn't write this very well. i hope you'll still adjust with it. i'll try to write better and not out of place !

i try to update every thursday and if i ever miss my schedule, it's probably cause i'm in some shit like family problems, exams, school stuffs etc. anyways, thank you for reading so far and keeping up with this story ! <3

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