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"Daniel, hurry up!" Mom yelled and I ran downstairs. "Yes, yes mom. I'm he-" I stopped before I could finish talking and mom looked at me with a confused look. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Shit. I forgot my phone upstairs." I ran upstairs as soon as I finished that sentence. "Daniel you better hurry!" Mom shouted and I let out a loud 'sorry!'.

"You have no sense of time whatsoever." mom was lecturing me in the car while dad was doing his work stuff on his phone. "What will the Vegas think? They'll definitely think we have no sense of time!" Mom almost yelled. "Why did u ask me when you just answered the question yourself?" I regretted saying that right after I finished saying it.

"Daniel!" "Sorry mom."

"Don't do anything stupid in there." mom warned me before we entered the nicely made, rich people looking house of Vegas. "I won't."

Their house gave of the elegance vibe. A vibe that my mom forced into our house because I, their favorite son is a brat and wanted 'cool' vibes radiating from our house.

Dad rang the doorbell and the maids opened it. Just a few inches ahead of the door were standing the Vega couple with their son. "Hello. It's great to have you here Mr and Mrs.Wilson." Mrs.Vega said and asked us to come in. "We are very pleased to be here too." mom said with a huge smile on her face.

"Hey." Vega said and replied back with a 'hey'. He gestured me to come with him probably taking me to where our parents went after leaving us two behind.

He greeted my parents very politely. Not to judge but he definitely didn't look like the polite type but then again you can't judge a book by it's cover. I swear when I saw him the first time I thought he was someone who makes snarky comments but oh well.

"Elias, why don't you go up to your room with  Daniel and let us adults have a conversation among ourselves?" Mrs. Vega offered and Vega obviously took it. "Sure, mom."

"It was really strange hearing you getting called by your first name by someone." I said and he chuckled. "I suppose so." he replied. "Show me around before I enter your boring room and die of boredom." I offered in a sarcastic tone and he seemed amused for some reason. "Why sure." he replied and I smiled.

"She's literally my favorite." I said, not looking up and petting Miel. Apparently Miel is a ragdoll owned by Vega who's nickname is Mei. "She seems to like you more than me." he said and I smiled. "Of course she does." I replied proudly and he frowned. "That's not okay. She should like me more." he said and rolled his eyes then sat beside me.

"What does Miel mean?" I asked and he turned his head towards me which was previously looking down at where Miel was sitting. "It's a Spanish word. It means honey." he replied and smiled. He took Miel away from my lap to give her a quick kiss but she didn't respond well to that. She jumped from his lousy grip and ran away.

"Simple but nice choice of name. Also she doesn't seem to like your little kiss so much." I said and he chuckled. "It's alright. I'm used to her being a brat."

We walked around for a while and then walked up to his room. Before we entered his room, we saw Miel going to the room beside his. I asked to go after her and bring her and he agreed. We entered the room and saw a guy who looked our age holding her.

"Oh hey." he said and Vega frowned. "What are you doing here Luis?" Vega asked. "I came to sleepover remember?" he questioned him back. "And you were supposed to be gone after breakfast?" now Vega questioned him. "Oh cmon man. Don't be like this. Mrs Vega said I could stay." he replied and Vega looked so done.

"Anyways who's that beside you?" the Luis guy asked referring to me. "Oh tu novio?" he said something in Spanish which I didn't understand. But he was surely assuming something. "Qué? no." Vega said and it was obvious that he answered in the negative.

"He's Daniel Wilson. I know him from school and our parents know each other personally. Personally as in business stuff personally. If you get it." he introduced me and Luis mouthed an 'O'. "So, not your boyfriend?" Luis asked and I almost chocked on air. "No Luis, no." he replied in annoyance.

"Damn I thought you had gotten over Devora." he said and faked an emotional face which very much annoyed Vega. "I am over her Luis." he said and sighed. "Anyways, hey dude. You good with me calling you Daniel?" he asked me and I got a bit surprised since the conversation switched towards me real quick.

"Yeah, sure." I replied shortly and he smiled. "No wait, Dan. Even better." he said and proudly murmured something to himself. Probably complimenting himself. I chuckled and Vega gave me an apologetic look on Luis's behalf.

We spent a bit of time with Luis and left soon after because his girlfriend called and he had to explain her why he couldn't bring her mcdonalds this morning and it wasn't because he was with some other girl.

"Sorry, he can be weird at times." Vega apologized on his friends' behalf. "Nah I think he's pretty cool." I said and he sighed in relief. It was silent between us before a maid came in his room and told us we were being called downstairs.

"Kids sit here." Vega's dad said to us, gesturing towards the couch in front of him. "We planned for us to go on a trip together." my mom said and I just blurted out a 'what?'. It was embarrassing. Then again it was kinda surprising cause we weren't so familiar but I think they managed to be quite friendly in a short time.

"Yeah. You can bring your friends too. It's just a family friendly trip. We can spend our times there together and get to know each other better. Don't you think so?" Vega's mother said and smiled sweetly. "I guess. Yeah, let's go. What do you think Wilson?" he asked me. I got a bit startled at the mention of my name so suddenly.

"I don't see a point in why not. So, sure." I replied. "All right, it's set then. 2 and a half weeks from now on." dad said and the adults went back to talking among themselves. Vega and I excused ourselves and went upstairs again.

"Well that was sudden." Vega said and I nodded. "I'll go and bring Miel. She's probably begging to be out of Luis's room by now." he said and I laughed. "Yeah, go ahead."

He came back with Miel and asked me if I wanted to hold her and I, of course said yes. "Here, hold her lightly by the way. She's sensitive." he said, passing the ragdoll to me. I was about to take it from his hand when I noticed how close our faces were. The only thing that was keeping the distance between us was Miel.

He looked up and caught me staring but I didn't budge and kept on staring at him. Watching the distance. Guarding it. We were too close. The distance wasn't safe. While he looked at me, I could feel myself getting a bit lightheaded and my stomach had this cold feeling.

He looked down, too distracted to notice where but he looked up quickly. The distance was getting narrow. No one willing to break eye contact. But soon enough this distance thing broke when Miel jumped from his hand and it caused both of us to flinch backwards.

Before any of us could say anything a maid came in. "Dinner's ready. You're asked to come downstairs."

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