1: Lights! Camera! Action!

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Mori threw the front door to the high rise penthouse open without so much as a second thought. 

Weaving his way through the hoards of people who were a comfortable mix of drunk and high. He hated parties like these the absolute most. Nothing about the stink of alcohol, sweat and trust funds sat well with him. 

The blue and purple lights didn't make it easy for him to navigate the place, but he had a sinking feeling that the person he was there to retrieve wasn't out on the dance floor. 

"Excuse me." He said, pushing past a couple furiously making out against the wall. 

Suddenly he heard a very familiar voice, and rushed down the hall. He ran until he got to the door. 

Without hesitation Mori threw the door open. There were far more people in the room than he had originally anticipated, and that just made the situation so much sicker. 

"Everybody off!" He ordered, "Nobody touch anybody.". The room's inhabitants were all in various states of undress, and the person he had been looking for was shirtless in the middle of the bed, several people still touching him. "Get the fuck off." He threatened lowly, shoving them out of the way. 

He hauled the teenager off the bed and to his feet. 

"What the fuck Mori?!" Taiya snapped, "We were just getting to the good part!". 

"Well if you wanted a good part you shouldn't have gotten drunk. And those fuckers should be at least smart enough to know drunk consent isn't consent." He replied angrily, forcing Taiya out of the room and down the hall. He was staggering, presumably from whatever he had taken or drank. God sometimes Mori wished he had more authority as a manager than he did. 

"Who drove you here?" He questioned, recognizing the kid's coat slung over the end of a couch and grabbing it. He checked for Taiya's phone and wallet and was relieved to see nothing had been stolen. "And where's your shirt?". 

"Somewhere back there." Taiya replied, "And Yokoyama drove me.". 

"Your parents' driver?" 

"The one and only." The teen slurred. "And stop showing up wherever I am. You're no knight in shining armor, you're a thorn in my fucking side.". 

"I'm your manager." Mori reminded him angrily. "Yokoyama isn't supposed to drive you anywhere. He can't protect you from paparazzi or anyone who might attack you. It isn't fucking safe to pull this shit. Need I remind you you're underage and its illegal for you to around anything happening here?". 

"Well tons of people here are underage." Taiya whined. Mori rolled his eyes. Celebrities were such a hassle, especially baby celebrities. 

Baby celebrities as in young celebrities by the way, god knows Taiya had been famous for long enough to not be considered new to the limelight. 

"Put the damn coat on." Mori said with a sigh, shoving the garment into Taiya's hands. The teen slipped the flashy faux fur collared coat over his shoulders, not bothering to do it up to hide his exposed chest. 

"Are those hickies?!" He asked angrily. Taiya smiled lazily instead of answering. "God fucking-could you stop and think about your reputation for a second?!". 

Mori sighed heavily and threw the door to the place open, supporting Taiya as he dragged him into an elevator. 

It was as he feared when they exited the building. Someone had leaked how many celebrities were there and the paparazzi were swarming the place. Mori grabbed a black facemask out of his pocket and Taiya put it on obediently. 

Smoke And Mirrors (BNHA x Male OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz