25: Blindsided

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Hiya guys, I just wanted to give you a heads up, a subtle trigger warning maybe. Idk I just felt like you deserved some sort of warning. 

This chapter is gory. And its an animal. So you decide if that's what you wanna do today or not 😊


"Who's missing?". 

1-A stopped and looked up from their lunches. The whole class of teens were sat at one long table, ravenously hungry after a full morning of intense training. Even Yaomomo and Sato, who had to eat as part of their training, were starving. 

But their teacher was right-someone was missing. There was one empty chair at the end of the table. 

Murmurs began around the table. "Is Koda here?" "He's right over there!" "What about Hagakure?" "She's beside Aoyama, she just didn't change out of her hero suit" "Yeah, I've been here the whole time" "Uraraka?" "Right here!" 

"Hey is Tachibana here?". 

Suddenly the chatter stopped and Kirishima and Mina made panicked eye contact and Aizawa sighed heavily. 

"Of course its him." The teacher grumbled. 

"Where is he, sir?" Midoriya asked, concerned. 

"The woods. His quirk training required some space." He explained. The class all seemed to understand. His quirk was 'black panther' after all, it made sense he needed to use the woods to properly train. 

"Someone's gotta go get him." Iida said simply. 

"Can't we just let the fucker die alone in the woods?" Bakugou laughed. 

"We have a volunteer." Asui deadpanned. Aizawa tossed Bakugou his gps device, displaying the location of Tachibana's device. 

"I wonder if he's in his full panther form." Midoriya thought outloud. 

"Hey, be careful Bakugou." Kaminari said, slightly worriedly. "You might get eaten dude.". 

"That fucker's not strong enough to eat me." Bakugou shot back angrily. He could take some overgrown street cat, any day of the week. 

---------- ------------ ------------- ------------- ------------ ----------- ------------ 

See, sometimes humans forgot that they were animals too. 

Sometimes they were so wrapped up in their complex psychology, those large brains blinding them to the fact they were just another member of the genus homo, order primates, phylum Chordata. 

They were classified just like every other animal. And like those other animals, they did have survival instincts. 

Besides being able to order takeout. 

And right now, Bakugou was experiencing more of those survival responses than he wanted to. 

He had this sinking feeling, this tingle up his spine. His hair was standing on edge. 

He was viscerally uncomfortable as he walked through the silent forest. The fact it was silent was disturbing enough honestly. The first night there the class had slept horribly because of all the noise coming from those damn woods, especially around sunrise and sunset. 

But now it was dead silent. Not a bird or squirrel to be seen. 

Huffing Katsuki continued onward, checking the gps device every once in a while to ensure he was headed to the right place. He completely ignored the thoughts in the back of his mind telling him that the animals were hiding for a reason and that he should turn back. 

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