42: Left Field

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"Ultimate moves are key to becoming a hero." All Might explained, "They may seem like they're too flashy, or unnecessary, but they help the public feel more secure in your presence.". 

"Spread out and start developing your ultimate moves on the concrete structures Cementos has created for us today.". 

"Yes sir!" The class cheered, immediately moving to take a place in gym gamma. 

And-call Taiya crazy-but he had a feeling Aizawa was following him. He was trying to get to one of the cement platforms, just minding his own damn business, but he could swear the teacher was slowly following him. 

Quickly, he spun around on his heel and started heading towards the teacher and the door to the gym. As he passed him, Aizawa held a hand out to stop him. "Where are you going?" He asked, already sounding done with Taiya's bullshit. 

"The bathroom." Taiya replied simply. Aizawa rolled his eyes subtly. 

"I just need to speak with you. You can go after." The teacher said. Taiya sighed but waited, eager to get this over with. 

"You mother had to submit some of your documents to the court for the trial next week." He explained, "Your birth certificate was one of those.". 

Taiya waited for a second. "Okay....?" He said, confused as hell. "Where are you going with this?". 

It was Aizawa's turn to sigh, apparently. "You never mentioned your father signed your birth certificate.". 

"Oh.". Taiya didn't mean to say that out loud, he really shouldn't be so surprised. "Yeah I guess he did.". 

"You realize this is incredibly important, right?" Aizawa stressed. "The courts want to contact him, they want him to appear at the hearing.". 

"Why?". Taiya was genuinely confused. "He's never had custody of me or anything?". 

"He gave up his parental rights voluntarily when you were a baby, so he doesn't have any charges for abandoning you, since legally he didn't. And he pays child support." The teacher continued. 

"He what?!". 

Several students who were training around them turned and looked at the pair. Taiya glanced around at them. "Can we take this outside?" He asked through gritted teeth. 

"That would be preferable, yes." Aizawa nodded. With that, the two of them headed for the exit. 

Once they were outside the doors, Aizawa turned back to the teen. "I don't want to take away too much of your time, since training is important, but I need to speak to you about getting a statement." He explained. 

"I didn't know he paid fucking child support." Taiya mumbled to himself, beyond surprised. 

"Language." Aizawa chided. "Apparently he's paid child support proportional to his income your entire life. That's why I need to talk to you about him.". 

"What? Because the child support is going to stop once I leave foster care? Mr. Aizawa, with all due respect, I have enough of my own money.". And damn, Taiya couldn't wait to have access to his bank account back. 

 Aizawa rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. It appeared he was really bad at getting points across with both Taiya and Mori. "No, kid. The courts are trying to get ahold of your biological father because they want to give him custody.". 

Suddenly the usually loud U.A campus felt quiet enough to hear a pin drop. 

"That's so dumb. What are they gonna do? Ship me off the Mongolia?" Taiya all but laughed. There was a twinge of hysteria in his voice that didn't go unnoticed by the teacher though. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2023 ⏰

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