13: Mori Saves The Day

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You know, when you get randomly offered a job as the manager to one of Japan's top stars, you never expect to be sneaking through the U.A sports festival facilities. 

But here Mori was, doing just that. 

It was already established that he was a bodyguard by trade. His strength quirk and license to use it under certain circumstances made him successful too. He was doing well for himself, thank you very much. 

Put yourself in Mori's shoes on the day he acquired his current position, just for a second. So he was there for an interview for a bodyguard position, and unsure as to why. A guy he was working with at the time suggested him to the CEO, who he met at a gig. This guy had said something to the affect of 'Mori's the best in the biz'. 

So he arrived at the building, ready to decline a job offer from some rich CEO that wanted him to guard the door from crazy fans or something. 

Instead, he walked into a conference room with just two people in it. One was the CEO, Shimizu Chiyo, who was standing behind her chair, tapping her fingers on it anxiously. 

The second was Enomoto Taiya, a well known celebrity. A celebrity who was, at the time, 14 years old. 

A celebrity who had a massive bruise on the side of his face. 

Mori was sure his eyebrows went past his hairline. He was so confused and concerned. 

The CEO asked him to guard Taiya, pointedly not letting anyone he saw that day explain where the injury came from. 

Later Taiya, seemingly on a whim, had Mori replace his mother as his manager. 

And as fucking dumb as it was, the first thing Mori was ever asked to do when he walked into that building was simply to 'protect Taiya' and goddamn it he was going to do it. 

Even if it meant getting caught. 

See, Azuma had sent the piece of jewelry to hide Taiya's eyes just 10 minutes before and they were lucky it had arrived in time. Taiya's contacts had started to sting, so he took them out. 

Basically the kid was locked in a bathroom and Mori needed to get there, give the ring to him and get out. Mission fucking impossible with the increased security. 

But he was doing okay. So far so good. 

Being a bodyguard he was used to walking around places and just looking like he belonged. No one had even batted an eye. 

Then he turned a corner and heard voices. One voice in particular was familiar. 

Peaking from behind a randomly placed water dispenser, Mori checked who was coming. Fuck, it was All Might. Not only that but beside him there were several pro heroes, Midnight, Present Mic and some dude wrapped in bandages who had to be Taiya's homeroom teacher, Eraserhead. 

Aizawa had seen him pick Taiya up a few times, and therefor knew he wasn't supposed to be there. 

"Fuck." Mori whispered harshly, looking for an escape. Darting left to right twice he decided on the nearest door to the left. It didn't seem to lead anywhere in particular and he couldn't hear anything going on inside. 

Quickly, he ducked inside and closed the door slowly behind him, breathing a sigh of relief. 

"Shit that was close" He mumbled, throwing his head back against the door so it made a soft 'thunk'. The tension bled from his body as he heard the footsteps and voices continued to approach. 

"Who are you?" A voice boomed from inside the room. Mori flinched violently, his eyes slamming open and landing on a man. He had silver hair, tanned skin and looked like he was half dressed in a red hero outfit. 

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