14: Straight Out Out Of The Gate Pt. 1

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Ashido, Kirishima and Taiya were standing in a hoard of other students waiting for their year representative, Bakugou apparently, to say his opening words and for All Might to begin the festival. 

The other two wouldn't stop looking at him, taking in every detail.

"How did we not notice before?" Kirishima groaned, "Seriously its so obvious its him.". 

"I know right." Mina sighed, "I've been a fan for so long god-how could I have missed it?! I'm ashamed of myself.". 

"I told you already, I'm not Enomoto Taiya." Enomoto Taiya protested. His classmates gave him unimpressed looks. 

"Cat's outta the bag already, dude." Kirishima shrugged. "Yeah, Mori already called you Taiya in front of us." Ashido added. 

"Wait, you know who Mori is?". Taiya had given up at that point. It was childish to continue to insist he wasn't himself. 

Fucking hell how did he get himself in this situation?

"Of course we do." Ashido said, like it was obvious. "Your manager is like-famous. He's a million times younger and hotter than like most celebrities these days.". 

"Wait hold on." Kirishima turned to Mina. "I think I might have just called Enomoto Taiya 'dude'!". 

"Bro." Mina said, equally shocked. The pair looked over at Taiya who stared blankly back. 

"What? Am I supposed to say something weird?" He asked, confused. "You don't have to be formal, we're classmates and the same age.". He fiddled with the black mask he was wearing, in an attempt to further hide his identity of course. 

"God I can't believe we're classmates with Taiya!" Mina squeaked, clutching Kirishima's hands. 

Taiya shushed her and looked around to make sure no one was listening. "You wont be for much longer if you keep shouting about it!" He scolded. 

"Right sorry." Mina said, covering her mouth and whispering. 

They all clocked back into the festival for Bakugou to take the stage. 

"I'd just like to say..." Bakugou began, "That I'm gonna win this shit.". 

Immediately outrage from the crowd, Taiya included. He was going to single handedly going to ensure Bakugou lost by beating the shit out of him. 

Or bribing Midnight. Maybe that was more viable, there was a chance he wouldn't fight Bakugou at all. 

See, Taiya had already decided not to place in the sports festival. He didn't want to be noticed, being handed a medal by All Might himself kind of had that effect.

He wasn't even seriously thinking about bribing Midnight, but a treacherous part of his brain reminded him his mother would notice if some money was missing. 

Some parents put their kids in showbiz for the fame, Taiya's mom had been in it mostly for the money. She only started focusing on the fame when she realized the more famous he was the more he got paid for a shoot. 

"Let the U.A sports festival begin!" All Might's booming voice brought Taiya out of his thoughts. Suddenly part of the stadium lifted away, revealing a starting line. 

Midnight dropped a brightly coloured flag and suddenly everyone was running out of the stadium. Taiya followed them at a safe, unnoticeable distance. 

He felt a chill run up his spine right as Todoroki blasted the area with ice, preventing anyone from moving. mustering his strength so he could break out of the ice. 

Of course, he nearly fell on his ass the moment he touched the ice, which was extra embarrassing considering he was supposed to be built to climb down mountains covered in ice. 

Seriously, the whole 'cats land on their feet' thing was important for him to uphold. It was a matter of pride, no cat pun intended. 

Once he regained his balance he began running, chasing down the few students that had managed to escape Todoroki's ice. 

There was a rumbling sound in the distance and the bots from the entrance exam appeared. Several students cried out in distress, mostly about how many there were. The zero pointers were quite large, Taiya had to admit. 

Todoroki hit them with a wave of ice, Bakugou sailed right over and the rest of the class started in on the robots. Taiya spotted a small opening between a zero pointer and a three pointer and decided to take his chances just sprinting for it. 

It worked, save for the fact he nearly got hit by a piece of metal flying off the robot Midoriya was fighting, or rather dodging. 

All the participants arrived at the next obstacle in a group, the ones who got there earlier hesitation. 'The Fall' Present Mic had called it. A giant chasm with small platforms of stone and ropes strung between them. Taiya had never seen anything like it, even in a movie. 

He wondered how much budget they actually had for this and, distantly, if anyone had ever died during the sports festival. 

Asui was the first to take to the ropes, climbing upside down and using the sticky parts of her fingers to hold on. 

Taiya thought about it for a moment before realizing he could jump at least the first gap. Quickly, he backed up, made sure his path was clear, and ran. 

For a moment when his feet left the ground he was sure he would fall and plummet to his death. His stomach dropped, similar to the way he felt on roller coasters. 

He felt his claws drop in preparation for clinging onto the rocky surface of the platform, but he didn't have to. 

He landed, rolled like his stunt doubles had told him to, and stood up. Completely fine. 

"Wow, Tachibana just showed everyone up with that move!" Present Mic shouted over the loudspeakers. Taiya looked around and saw his peers staring at him with shock. Fuck. He didn't realize he had caused such a scene. 

Luckily, Bakugou didn't allow himself to be shown up, so he blasted past Taiya, drawing more attention to himself. 

The teen breathed a sigh of relief as he readied himself to jump to the next platform. 

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." Taiya breathed out, staring at the literal mine field before him. Sure, they were supposed to be weak, but this seemed like a bit much. Was this just a plot to kill children? It seemed like it was just to kill children. Maybe Nezu didn't like kids as much as he said he did. 

Everyone seemed either too scared to mess with the mines, or were getting hurt just walking through them without a care in the world. 

Taiya wracked his brain, trying to think of a way through this. 

This wasn't his first experience with a minefield actually, which was probably why he was wondering if his principal wanted him dead. He had first seen one in Vietnam when he was filming a movie. The cast had visited the public safety commission who had shown him how they used trained rats to find the bombs. This was for reference because there was a scene in the movie involving a mine field and a cat (don't worry, the cat survived. Taiya's character did not though). 

He noticed that as the bombs went off they gave off a firework type smell. 

If a rat could do it...


What is up guys, once again I took a much longer break than I intended to but eh writers block be like that. 

And then there was the impromptu weekend vacation thing, which literally took all weekend and is why I'm posting now lol. 

To compensate, here's a double update! 

Life's been a little crazy lately and I don't have as much time for writing as I used to. Sometimes I finally get some free time and find myself just too tired to write, which is frustrating. I'm trying to work on that the so don't worry! 

Go check out part two --------> 

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