34: You Tried Pt. 2

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So no one had burst through the door. 

The police had knocked on the door and brought shock blankets for anyone that wanted one. Dan-bi had accepted after Taiya pointed out she was shivering. 

They had asked her what happened and everyone learned the whole story. The woman was a reporter who had somehow snuck into the venue and approached Dan-bi while she was in the bathroom. 

What had she used to get Dan-bi in a hallway alone? Photos of her and some non-idol boy she had been caught kissing. 

The manager explained what happened from his perspective after that. Stating that he had just been getting coffee and assumed Dan-bi had stage fright and was taking her time in the bathroom. He had even sent another one of the Starlight members to check on her. 

Then they got to Taiya. All he had to do to get the biggest reaction that night out of the officers was state his name. 

"Full legal name?" The one recording everything had asked. 

"Enomoto Taiya.". 

The silence that had followed had been deafening but the officer had recovered remarkably quickly, asking him if he could recount the events. There was one offhanded comment by an officer who seemed somehow proud of the way Taiya stepped in and he just said 'well he is a hero student after all.'. Other than that, they handled him like they would anyone else involved. 

But then, about 45 minutes later as they were rapping everything up, someone did burst through the doors. 


The boy looked up and saw Mori, who searched the room full of officers and security guards frantically. He didn't even say anything when he saw him, just rushed over to the couch the boy was sitting on and dropped to his knees in front of him. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, pushing the boy's overgrown bangs out of his face and checking it over for injuries. He took his hands next, flipping them around and checking the visible part of his arms while he was at it. 

"I'm fine." Taiya assured him, embarrassed by the treatment. "Its fine I stopped her.". 

Mori looked up at him, brows furrowed in confusion. 

"I stopped the assaulter before she could do whatever she wanted to." He assured the man, "And I didn't get hurt at all.". 

Mori stared at him, trying to judge if he was telling the truth or not. Eventually he sighed. 

"You're gonna be the death of me kid.". 

That earned a few chuckles from everyone else in the room as the atmosphere settled. Mori took a seat on the couch next to Taiya and seemed to notice the people across from him for the first time. 

"Oh, you're from Starlight." He said, surprised. "Are you okay?". 

"I'm fine." Dan-bi confirmed softly with a nod. 

With the commotion over, the officers resumed their investigations. 

"ILY are waiting backstage. They think you just got delayed because of the security breech, I made sure they didn't know you were part of it.". 

"If they knew Han-gyeol would refuse to perform and come looking for me." The boy laughed. Mori just looked at him and smiled sadly. 

A silence enveloped their couch as the two just stared at each other for several moment, an unspoken understanding passing between them. 

"Its over." Taiya said softly, not trusting what his voice would sound like if he was louder. 

"Its over." Mori confirmed, the same sad smile on his face. 

Smoke And Mirrors (BNHA x Male OC)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz