5: Knock Down Drag-out

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Waiting for the countdown to begin was probably the most nerve wracking part. 

Seriously, it was like waiting for your name to be called at an awards ceremony. And yes, his name was always called. 

Call it egotistical or just prepared, Taiya didn't really care. 

He took a moment to observe the people in his group. There weren't a lot of people that stood out. 

"The rest of you extras wont even know what hit you.". 

Except that guy, apparently. Blond hair, bright red eyes and a nasty attitude. Too much confidence too, honestly. He was trash talking them and they hadn't even started yet. Who did this bastard think he was. 

"There's no point in even competing with me. None of you stand a chance." The blond continued. 

"Hey, put your money where your mouth is!" Another examinee shouted. 

"Yeah, you probably have a shitty quirk. Stop trying to make yourself seem cool." Someone added. The blond seemed to enjoy their rebuttal. 

Taiya rolled his eyes and huffed loudly. The blond looked over at him instantly, glaring daggers through him. "You have something to say, you plain looking fucker?" He spat. 

"Yeah I do." The teen smirked, "What makes you think you're so special? Mommy tell you you're handsome or something?". 

This seemed to anger the blond teen further. "What the fuck did you just say to me?!" He bellowed, palms open. Taiya wondered what his quirk was for that to be his fighting stance. 

"I said, do you think you're so special 'cause your mommy said you were handsome?" Taiya repeated. The blond took a step closer and grabbed his shirt collar, glaring holes through him. "Wow, up close I'm sure she was lying.". 

That seemed to piss him off even more. He was glaring so hard Taiya was sure his eyes were going to bug out of his head. 

"Alright, we're ready to rock and roll!" Present Mic shouted over the pa system, startling the blond haired man enough to get him to let go of Taiya's shirt. "Ready? Three, two , one GO!". 

The two students made eye contact for a moment before they shot off down the road. 

The blond haired guy blasted himself ahead using explosions. He was hovering above the ground. Meanwhile Taiya was keeping up with him just running on the ground. 

Perks of being an apex predator, he supposed. 

Something pricked his ears and he took a sharp turn, losing the blond and coming face to face with one of the three pointers. 

Eying the thing, he tried to figure out the fastest way to destroy it. He figured it was a lot like fighting Mori, just go for the parts that hurt the most. Yeah, he wasn't exactly the cleanest fighter, but in his defense there was no other way to win against that bastard. 

Which on a robot would be....the wires. 

He continued running until he was right in front of it and leapt right onto its head. The robot started spinning, trying to shake Taiya off. In an effort to stay on, he extended his claws and dug them into the metal of the robot's weird two head thing. 

That gave him an idea. Using the gouges he had already made, he ripped the steel apart and just started slashing at the wires. After about three swipes the thing went dead. 

"Ha." Taiya said smugly, looking around. He spotted two more coming towards him. He steadied himself and leapt to the back of on of the two pointers that were approaching. 

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