3: That One Mulan Song

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The apartment was very normal. Two bedrooms, pretty decent sized open plan living, one bathroom. 

It was okay, he supposed but Taiya wasn't gonna lie, he missed his home. Mostly his stuff. His new bedroom was very bare bones. 

Right now though, he missed sleep the most. 

"Get your ass out of bed!" Mori shouted, banging on the door. "You've got training in an hour.". 

"Then let me sleep in for another hour!" Taiya shouted back. He buried his head in his pillow in a desperate attempt to suffocate himself before he actually had to do anything. 

"Taiya get the fuck up!". 

No response. Mori sighed heavily and dragged his hands down his face. He was not cut out to be a manager. He should have just stayed in the bodyguard industry, he didn't want to babysit. He especially didn't want to babysit a teenager with a drug and alcohol problem. 

Hopefully U.A could clean the kid up and didn't just kick him out on day one. 

"Taiya!" He shouted again. 

A growl sounded from the other room, several slams of a closet and several more grumbling sounds. 

The door swung open and Taiya, looking like a hurricane had hit him, glared at Mori. 

"Geez you look pleasant. Sleep well?" The man joked. 

"Fuck off." Taiya spat, stumbling his way into the kitchen to get coffee. 

"You'd better eat something filling. Training isn't gonna be easy." Mori said as he followed Taiya into the kitchen. "I'll make eggs and toast.". 

Taiya gave him a disgusted look. "No thank you." He said slowly, sipping his coffee. 

"What do you want instead?" Mori worked out a lot, a habit from his days as a body guard, he couldn't imagine skipping breakfast. Protein was a must in the morning when you were working out. 

Now, the pair had never 'lived together' before. Even when they were in hotels for filming they were in separate rooms and didn't see each other until Taiya appeared to be driven to set. 

"Nothing." The teen replied. Mori gave him an unimpressed look. 

"You don't really have a choice. Training's gonna be pretty intensive." He warned. 

"Who's training me anyways?". 


Taiya gave Mori a disbelieving look. The man was physically fit, but he had never really thought of him as someone who could fight. 

"Hey, stop looking at me like that. I was a bodyguard for a long ass time before they hired me to babysit you. I could and still can kick your ass, so watch you tongue. And your eyes. Oh, and get dressed and put those contacts in.". 

"You know my eyes are one of my most marketable features." Taiya joked. Mori rolled his eyes and cracked an egg into the now heated pan. 

"Yeah, yeah. You're having toast at least, if you're not having an egg. Or you're having an egg and no toast, one or the other. No way in hell are you skipping breakfast.". 

"I'll take the egg." Taiya responded, downing the last bit of his coffee and leaving the empty mug on the counter as he lumbered back to his bedroom. 

"Yah, clean up after yourself!" Mori called fruitlessly down the hall. "He's not gonna listen." The man lamented to the empty kitchen. He started on a second egg in the opposite corner of the pan and hoped Taiya wasn't going to be ass fussy about food while he was undercover as he usually was. 

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