chapter five: a visitor

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"Will you two just get in the car?" I pleaded, pushing Addie in front of me.

I had to call an Uber to pick us up since no one was fit to drive. These two were hammered and I was far past being able to drive. I was exhausted and driving wasn't exactly something I wanted to do right now.

Addie slumped on Callum's shoulder as I shut the door behind me. A few silent minutes later, with some random gibberish from Addie, the driver pulled in front of Callum's apartment building.

I opened the door and helped the two out of the car before paying the driver. Dragging them behind me we shuffled into the elevator. Pressing the third floor I took a step back to look at my friends.

"You guys are idiots," I sighed.

"We're not idiots Dani," Addie defended.

"We were just having fun," Callum added and they laughed.

The elevator dinged signaling we had reached the third floor. I closed my eyes and slowly opened them before walking into the hallway.

I took a right and went down the hall hearing Addie hiccup behind me. Callum handed me his keys and I unlocked the door. The lights were left on and I shot Callum a look.

"You left the lights on Cal? Who were you expecting, a visitor?" I sighed before taking off my shoes.

He mumbled something but I couldn't pick it up, neither did I care. I walked over to his couch and layed down, my eyes immediately shutting.

The two of them joined me and it wasn't long for the apartment to become silent again. I heard a buzz come from my phone so I checked it.


It was from a random number but then I remembered who I gave my number to earlier. I smiled at the text before shutting off my phone.

I heard shuffling come from another room but by that time, I was too far gone from being awake.


I woke up the next morning to the smell of food. Sitting up I could hear someone in the kitchen. When I turned my head towards the couch I was confused because Callum and Addie were still sleeping.

Who the hell was in this apartment? Cooking?

"Hey," I whispered to Cal, poking at him.

When he didn't wake up I was about to get up when I felt him move. I looked over but he had just turned onto his side. Curse him for being a heavy sleeper. I could be dying and he would sleep through it.

Cal would never let anyone in if he didn't know them. That I knew for sure. So who the hell was here?

I slowly got up from the couch and crept to the kitchen. I stopped when I heard footsteps. I thought they were coming closer but then I heard the front door slam shut.

I walked into the kitchen and saw three plates of food, freshly cooked, sitting on the counter. I looked at the plates in confusion. Someone had made us all breakfast.

I walked over to the door, opened it and looked out into the hallway. No one was there. I shut the door and locked it before going back into the kitchen.

I grabbed a fork and sat down in front of a plate. I poked at the eggs before taking a bite.


That's all I had to say about it. Whoever had cooked this was a culinary genius.

But there was one question I still had.


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