bonus chapter #3: wedding bells and baby bumpin'

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*3 years later*

Dani's POV

I've always wondered what it'd be like to live a stable life.

I won't go out there and say my life has been complete shit, I've had my rough patches, but I won't say I've been dealt the worst hand in the world.

I seem to be finding some ground. Especially these past three years.

After college Hunter entered the draft and was picked in the second round by the New York Rangers.

I can't recall a moment when I was more proud of him. He got drafted by the team he's always dreamed of playing for. He would always talk about it in highschool, how he was going to play for the Rangers when he was older.

And now it's reality.

Hunter had a really good first season, he played so well actually that he moved from the third line up to the first.

The crowd loved him, his teammates just the same. And as brute-like as they all seem, they're actually such sweethearts.

And their wives, well the ones that have one, are just as nice. Yana and Kelly are the two wives I gravitate towards but that's only because Hunter, Vladimir and Jacob are a unit on the ice.

We have our little girls club and they have their own boys club. It just works.

I'm still not sure how to handle the sudden fame that comes with being in a relationship with a respected hockey player, but I'll figure it out.

Especially as his fiancé I'll have to.

Yep, that's right. Fiancé. I am officially Hunter Zimmerman's fiancé.

I still can't believe it.

I remember the moment like it was yesterday. Rose petals scattered on the floor when I got home, candles leading me to the living room, and flower-made letters spelling out Marry Me?

It was beautiful. Him standing there with a box in his hand felt unreal.

I don't regret shedding a few tears as I realized what was happening and I especially don't regret saying yes to the love of my life.

But with that one word came a lot of tasks.

And I don't know what's been going on with me, but I've been feeling like crap all week. I mean, I've run a fever, I can barely keep anything down, and I've just been exhausted.

I still have a million things to do and I won't stay on bed rest anymore.

Though, Hunter has some different thoughts. "Baby, if you're not feeling well you shouldn't go."

"But you have a game tonight," I argue. "I want to go." I start to sit up and immediately feel nausea swirling in my stomach.

"Dani," he brings the back of his hand up to my forehead. "You're burning up."

I wave him off, "I'm fine." I pull the covers off my legs causing Hunter to stand up. And I'm glad he does because the second I get to my feet, my head feels light.

"Dani, please lay down." He pulls me into his chest to stabilize me but I tense in uncomfort.

"Ow," I groan and rub a palm over my chest.

Hunter looks down at me in confusion, "What?"

"My boobs hurt." I complain and step away from him to sit on the edge of our bed.

I don't really know how long it took for me to realize the room went quiet, but the eerie silence lasts for a while.

There's this look on Hunter's face, but I can't read it. It's a mixture of too many emotions.

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