chapter sixty two: complete

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It was nearing one in the morning when I got back. However, I was still wide awake.

My nerves were wracking as I pulled up to the arena. Stepping out of the car the crisp air washed over my face.

I rushed inside to get away from the cold, but the arena wasn't much warmer. Most of the lights were off and the others dimmed.

As I walked closer to the rink, my heart began beating faster with every step. I thought if I didn't calm myself down now, my heart would beat out of my chest.

I heard the ice cut, the sound of someone skating around evident.

Stopping in my tracks I took a deep breath before continuing on. I saw the reflection of the light off the ice, but my eyes immediately snapped to the figure gliding across it.

My breath hitched in my throat as I watched him skate from end to end, trying to score a goal I assumed.

I guess what Cal said was true. He really hadn't been at the apartment.

I mean, it's twelve in the morning and he's still practicing.

I walked through the gate and onto the ice which was probably a bad idea considering I wasn't in skates, but I couldn't care.

I held myself against the boards, the ice slippery under my feet. Gaining my balance I started to walk out, carefully taking each step.

I was about five feet out when I looked up. Hunter skated out to center ice before he caught my eye.

I stumbled a step, trying to regain my balance. Looking at him I felt my stomach swirl with such strong emotions I thought I was almost going to be sick.

I took another unsteady step forward before he started skating towards me. My heart continued to race as he stopped in front of me.

I reached for the end of his stick to gain my footing. Grabbing it, I looked him in the eye. His face was a mixture of surprise and tiredness, yet the stare he gave me seemed quite blank.

I couldn't figure out how he was feeling so I went off my own emotion.


A frown tugged across my lips before I hid my face in his shirt. I wrapped my arms around his torso and squeezed him tight.

"I'm so, so sorry." I mumbled against his stomach.

His arms stayed at his sides but I could feel his heart racing just as fast as mine.

I kept my arms around him, hoping he'd hug me back. "I just–everything was so–I don't know," I stuttered out.

I heard his stick drop to the ice before his arms rested over my shoulders, pulling me closer.

Again, I squeezed him tighter, our bodies pressed against each other with no extra space.

I looked up and moved my hands to cup his face. "I should've never doubted you like that and I'm so sorry for everything,"

His eyes seemed to droop as his lips tugged slightly back and forth.

My hands moved to his shoulders and I continued to ramble. "I could barely hold myself together these past few days because—I need you. I feel like I can't be without you. And–"

"Stop." he basically whispers to me.

His hands rub up my shoulders and stop at the sides of my neck. His thumbs run over my jaw and despite my frozen state, I spew out more.

Because I feel like I haven't said enough.

"But you have to understand I never meant to say any of those things about breaking up with you. And I know I can't take it back but I want you to know–"

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