chapter thirteen: did he just hang up on me?

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"No Addie, I'm not joking. He's a child." I said over the phone. I was currently cooped up in Callum's room and rightfully so. I could not stand another minute out there with him.

"Oh please Dani, he can't be that bad," she reasons.

"No you don't understand. He is that bad. I don't know how Callum does it to be honest." I complained.

I guess what Ryan said was true. He really was a nuisance. A living nightmare.

"But what you told me sounds ridiculous. He didn't act like that when I was over there." she explains.

"And when was the last time you were over here?" I asked, curious of her answer.

"Last night." she admits.

"Woah, woah, woah. You were here last night?" I asked. "Please tell me you didn't–"

"Dani. Callum is–Sex. On. Legs. What was I supposed to do?" she asked me.

"Oh my god Addie!" I fell back on Callum's bed in disbelief. "You did not!"


When I realized where I was laying I almost hurled. I quickly scampered off the bed and stood over by his desk.

I cannot believe I just laid there. Gross.

"I did. And do I regret it? Absolutely not." she admits.


"Dani." she cuts me off. "You knew I liked him. I don't know what you were expecting."

"I wasn't expecting anything, I'm just...shocked per say." I cringed at the thought of them. "Ew okay stop. Can we change the subject? This is making me uncomfortable." I asked.

"You don't want to ask anything else." she pushes.

"Like what?" I asked.

"Like how was it?" she laughs.

"No!" I shouted.


I was on the phone with her for a few more minutes. When I had hung up the timer on my phone went off indicating that my laundry was done.

Finally I could leave. I slowly opened the door and the smell of food wafted through the air. Damn. It smelt good.

I walked over to the laundry room as quickly as possible and took all of my clothes out of the dryer and put them in the hamper I brought over.

Walking towards the door I heard him in the kitchen but there was no way I was going to get his attention. I passed by the kitchen before I reached the door and caught a glimpse of him.

His back was thankfully facing me, but a frown still appeared on my face. I hated knowing that the same person in front of me ruined my life years ago.

What's worse is that he doesn't even remember me. But I guess he wouldn't. I changed everything about myself after it. I became a different person.

Part of me wanted him to know but it was way better he didn't know anything. A few more months and I would make sure I would never see him again.

Just a few more dreadful months.

I looked away from him when my phone started ringing. I picked it up.


"Dani, how are you?" he asked.

"I'm good," I responded, tucking my phone between my cheek and my shoulder.

"Great, so I got you a seat for the game tonight. I really want you to come," he says, sounding excited.

"Oh I'm not sure I'm really up for that tonight Ryan," I admitted, reaching for the door.

"I promise you I'll make it worth your while. I'll even score for you," he boasts.

So cocky.

I opened the door and looked up. Hunter was staring right at me and I couldn't read his face, but he definitely wasn't smiling.

"If I go you'll have to make it two seats ok?" I asked.

"Two seats it is. I'll see you tonight then?" he asks.

"Yeah, definitely." I said walking out into the hallway.

"Great then," he said.

"Yeah–" I was cut off by the sound of the line ending.

Did he just hang up on me?


Now I need to get Addie to come with me which won't be so hard. She loves these games. And while I'm at it I might as well find out what she's doing all week. Thanksgiving was in a few days so I'll see if I can hang out with her.

But that was later. Right now I have a hockey game to prepare for.

yes and be ready for the best and definitely WORST night of your life Dani.

shits gonna go down ;))

Thin Ice ✔️Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora