chapter forty six: kiss me

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I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. I mean, how could I? His mouth was covering mine and I was pressed between him and the side of this ginormous house.

My body tensed the second his mouth met mine but after a few heat stricken moments, I relaxed. I relaxed?

Was I enjoying this? Fuck. I knew damn well I was. Whatever he was doing to me, I didn't want him to stop. So much so, that I pulled him by his sweatshirt, bringing him closer.

My hand reached up and tangled in his dark hair, gently pulling on the silky strands. A throaty groan escapes his lips and my god.

The sound sent a shiver down my spine as it reached my ear.

Fuck. I fucking liked that sound. No. I think I loved it. But it didn't really matter what I thought. I just knew I wanted to hear it again.

So my other hand trailed up from his shoulder accordingly and rested against his sharp jaw. I had made my move. And it didn't take long for him to make his.

I felt his tongue swipe across my lips and I shuddered at the thought of his tongue in my mouth. Part of it scared me but hell, I wanted it to happen.

I guess I had taken too much time to process his advance by the way he bit my bottom lip. Ow. That's what I was supposed to say. Ow. But no. I let out a noise that made heat rush to my face.

I moaned. God, I fucking moaned.

In doing so he took the opportunity to dart his tongue into my mouth. And holy hell was I glad he did. As his tongue swirled with mine I lost my train of thought.

In all honesty I think I lost the ability to stand straight. He moved one of his hands off my waist and latched it onto the side of my neck.

I felt his thumb move under my chin before he tilted it up, only deepening the kiss.

A burning in the pit of my stomach intensified. Fuck. I'm gonna be in so much trouble for wanting more aren't I?

Except I wasn't going to get any more. In one swift motion he slid his tongue out of mine and his mouth disappeared from my lips.

I was left breathless. Part of that burning feeling must've been my lungs. I had barely taken a damn breath that entire time.

"Is she-" He was just as out of breath as I was. "Is she gone?"

I took a sharp inhale. "What?" My face contorts in confusion before it mixes with pure anger.

So that's what it was about. Of course it was. Why else would he decide to do that? "So you only kissed me to get her off your ass huh?"

I'm pissed now. At him and myself. Why would I even think for a second that the kiss meant anything else to him.

"You're such a dick." I snap before slipping out from under him and walking away.

I heard him call my name behind me but I was not going to turn around. Practically stomping back to the group I walk up to Addie. Noticing her flushed cheeks I realize it probably best if we go.

I quickly waved goodbye to all of them before rushing a stumbling Addison away from the party.

"Where are your keys?" I ask.

Processing my response she fishes in her purse and pulls them out. You may be asking why the hell I couldn't just leave without her. Well she drove me here and the guys have a 9 AM practice.

Her hungover in an apartment, alone, didn't sit right with me. We could've gone with them but I was not going after that dick move by Hunter.

I help her into the passenger's side and groan as I get into the driver's seat. He was already pissing me off just thinking about him.

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