chapter forty two: ridiculous

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I woke up the next morning and everything was dark. At least that's what I thought until I pushed his shirt out of my face. I looked around and realized I was basically laying in his embrace.

His arm was draped over the side of my waist keeping me close. My hands rested on his stomach and my head on his chest. Something about this made me feel safe. But I liked feeling that with him. I always did.

What scares me is that I think I liked it a little too much sometimes. Our feet were tangled so much so that I couldn't tell where my feet started or where his ended.

I turned my attention to his hand that was resting lightly in front of him. I noticed a small black marking on the side of his finger. Unable to suppress my curiosity, I picked up his hand and carefully examined it.

It was a small tattoo. A tiny 'x' to be exact. I don't know what compelled me to do it but I traced the 'x'. Going back and forth I tried to figure out why something like that would be there. And if there was any meaning to it. Maybe I'll ask him about it in the future. For now I continued to trace it at my own will.

I looked at him and he was still sleeping. Something told me this was the first time he was getting rest in a while. I thought I told him to get some sleep now that we're ok. I wonder why he hasn't.

Feeling a hot sensation surge throughout my body I brought my hand to my forehead. Wiping away the perspiration I knew I was coming down with something. Slowly I dropped his hand and backed out of his arms, careful not to wake him.

I got up in a cold sweat and went into the bathroom. Turning on the shower I grabbed a change of clothes from my closet. After my shower I brushed my teeth and did all of that stuff. I looked in the mirror at my pale face and flushed cheeks.

Shaking my head I came back out and he was still in bed. I smiled at him but then heard voices downstairs. I should probably get him up. It is Christmas after all.

I walked over to the side of the bed and tapped him on the shoulder. He didn't move. He didn't even budge. I tried slightly shaking him. Nothing. He just laid there, in an obvious deep sleep.

I reached down and put a hand in his hair. Woah. It was unbelievably soft as I pushed it back with ease. "Hunter." I whispered, my voice hoarse. I cleared my throat as I continued to play with his hair. "Hellooo, Hunter."

I gently pulled a few strands of hair up watching the ends curl a small bit before I dropped them. I heard him groan and saw him start to wake up. I was about to pull my hand away when he grabbed my wrist and held it to his head.

"Please. Keep going." he mumbled into the pillow. I smiled at his request and sat at the edge of the bed. I pulled away my hand and saw his eyes flutter open.

"I will if you sit up." I said before turning my head and coughing into my elbow. My eyes directed back to him and saw he had propped himself up on his elbows.

"Are you feeling better?" he asked, his morning voice present. He shuffles until he sits up fully with his back against the headboard. I push my hair behind my ears and nod at him.

"Yeah. It's just a cough and my throat now." I admit watching him pull the sheets up to his waist. In one swift motion he took my hand and pulled it to his head, my hand ending up in his hair.

My other free hand landed on his chest to stop myself from leaning forward too much. I looked up at him and he smirked. "What? I sat up." he shrugged. I rolled my eyes at his reason but scratched his head anyway.

I watched him close his eyes and almost immediately his body relaxed. My forearm had started to cramp as it was jerked in an awkward position. To fix the problem I laid my head on his chest.

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