chapter fourteen: selfish

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"Addie!" I stood up from my seat to let her in.

"Hey!" she greets me with a hug before sitting down.

Ryan got me two seats like I asked and they were right next to the team bench.

"How did you even get seats like this? They're expensive!" she gushed.

"Perks," I shrugged.

"Yeah screwing the captain is a perk," she rolled her eyes at me.

"Addie I'm not screwing the captain," I said uncomfortably.

"Sorry, sorry." she apologized. "He just has you in his sights. But if you don't mind, can I please switch with you?" she asks.

"So you can get a better look at your boyfriend?" I gave her a pointed look.

"He's not my boyfriend," she complained.

"Whatever you say," I joked standing up. She stepped around me and took my previous seat next to the glass.

The warm up music started to fade and I turned my attention to the ice. Everyone stood for the national anthem and then the game was underway. I didn't know who we were playing but they seemed pretty good.

It was well into the first period when one of the players made a move on Ryan and beat him to the net. They scored off of the play and we were down one.

After the goal things started to heat up. Checks to the boards became more brutal and scrums were breaking out constantly. Cheap shots were also dealt, with more cheap shots back in retaliation.

The same player who made the move on Ryan tripped him and they ended up having an actual fight. I cringed at the scene.

Why are fights respected in this sport?

Things only got worse when Ryan lost the fight. He skated to the penalty box and slammed his helmet against the glass.

"Looks like the captain's a bit of a hot-head," Addie jokes.

"Yeah..." I sighed.

The game continued on but chances to score were rare. Ever since that goal in the first period neither team has scored.

It was the middle of the second period when a huge hit was delivered to the other team.

"Woah! Did you see-" I cut myself off when I saw Addie gawking at Callum through the glass. I rolled my eyes and focused back on the game.

I was starting to worry that Ryan wasn't going to score for me. I wasn't expecting anything but I guess you could say I was bummed.

Just a little.

It was the end of the second period when the crowd started to lose hope. It was still 1-0 and we hadn't had many opportunities to score. Our chances were played out perfectly from what I could see but the other team seemed to defend it like it was nothing.

The third period was tense. We looked a little sloppy but our goaltender was able to bail us out of it. Again, there were plenty of small scrums and every player was looking for trouble.

I kind of gave up thinking we were going to tie it. That was until in the last few seconds Ryan stole the puck and started skating down to the other goal.

I stood up and watched, and so did the rest of the crowd. I saw Hunter skate parallel to him and there was only one defender between them and the goal. As they skated closer the bench was screaming at Ryan to pass the puck.

That's when I saw it. Hunter was wide open with a clear shot on the net. All Ryan had to do was pass it.

So why the fuck was he not passing it?

As Ryan brought his stick up to take a shot the defender laid out and tried to block it. He skated past and went straight at the goalie. He did some fancy move and...

He missed.

"Oh my god," I brought a hand up to my head.

The final seconds ran off the clock and the buzzer sounded. Not only did he miss but he skated into the goalie. The goalie wasn't having it and punches started to be thrown. This time the entirety of each team was involved.

While watching that go down I heard some chatter from the bench. They were less than pleased about the play Ryan just made. And they had a right to.

It was a bad play. And a selfish one at that.

And to put a cherry on top he just had to get into another fight. Things weren't looking good for him and I can't believe I'm saying this but maybe he was wrong about Hunter. Because it doesn't look like Hunter is the bad teammate.

But Ryan is.

I watched the next player skate over to the bench with a towel held up to his face. He noticed me through the glass and I realized who it was.


He rolled his eyes at me before walking into the tunnel. A few players went in behind him before Ryan skated over. He broke his stick out of frustration and headed into the tunnel as well.

Addie and I got up and started to leave. There was no reason for us to sit and watch anymore. We waited outside for about half an hour before we saw the players leave the building.

Two of them walked towards us and they looked to be in a deep conversation.

"All he had to do was pass me the fucking puck man," one of them complained.

"Well you can't expect much from him sometimes," the other one reasoned.

They stopped in front of us and dropped the conversation. I took a deep breath and was about to say something to the two of them when I heard someone call my name.

Well not even call. More like yell.


I whipped my head around and saw Ryan motioning for me to come over. Not before seeing him throw a look towards the two in front of me.

There is definitely shit between these three.

I turned my head back to them and Hunter caught my eye.

"You don't have to go with him," he said, giving Ryan another glance.

I stood still for a moment and didn't say anything. "No, it's fine." I shook my head. "I'll see you tomorrow Addie." I walked away from them and headed towards Ryan.

Harshly, he gripped my arm before pulling me with him.

this is only the beginning of the end.

next part i have no words for the things i felt

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