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The task is simple once we're in the air. With Iceman leading and me backing him up, the two of us are to get a locked shot on both Jester and Viper before they get a lock on the two of us. It's what we have been doing for the past few weeks anyway, just now with an extra plane added to each side. The only downside is that I'm at the command of a complete jerk.

"Alright, Ice," I break the silence over the radio as I get into position, keeping my eyes peeled for the two adversaries, "can we make an agreement that, at least for the time being, we're on the same team."

"I don't know, are you still tempted to shoot me down?"

"Extremely." I smirk. "Unfortunately, I can't take on Viper and Jester alone so, at least for the time being, you actually serve a purpose."

"Think you'll be able to keep up?"

"With you leading, we'll be playing follow the leader for an hour while you try to get the perfect shot while ignoring the ten other shots that would've done the job. I'd actually argue you move at a glacial pace." I hear Specs let out a snort from behind me at my pun.

"Thought girls liked it when a man took his time."

"Are you saying it takes you an hour to get off?" I jest. "I feel like that's something you might want to talk to a doctor about."

"I'm sure you know all about that sort of thing," Slider chirps in. "Tell me, how many pilots had to get lucky with you before that call sign stuck?"

"Do you two purposely try to be a complete assholes?" Specs asks. "Or are you guys just naturally horrible humans?"

"Hey, don't dish out what you can't take back."

I'm about to add to the bickering before I see two jets flying in my peripheral vision. "We got company. Right two o'clock level, probably about three miles out. Can't tell if they've seen us yet or not."

"If they haven't, they will in a second," Ice replies. "Follow my lead."

As the two of us pull up behind them, Jester's plane branches off from Viper's and out of sight. "Specs, keep a look out for him. He's going to try to get behind us. Ice, you have a plan or are we just going to play follow the leader?"

"Give me a second, would you?" We continue to weave back and forth in the air. "I'm just trying to get a good angle on him.

"I'm that case, we're going to be here all day." I groan, but continue to follow the two airplanes.

"Lucky, Jester's trying to get behind us," Specs announces as he glances over his shoulder.

"Shit," I mumble. I need to get this plane off my tail or we won't have an hour to wait for Ice to get an angle. I have to take things into my own hands. "Ice, stay with Viper. I need to shake Jester."

"Lucky don't you dare—"

"Look, you have two options right now. You can stay on course and waste time until you get the perfect shot on Viper or you can try to attack Jester as I attempt to shake him and not die. Either way, I'm not waiting on you to make a call anymore." Though I start to hear a response, his voice quickly fades in my ear as I jerk the plane up, forcing it into a steep climb. The g-force slams my back into the seat and my skin stretches across my face. Though I struggle to keep my eyes open, I see Jester start to follow me. Quickly, I invert the jet, allowing us to complete the loop and sending our adversary souring past us, closely followed by Ice. "Glad to see you choose the later option."

"God you're annoying," the other pilot says as he manages to get a missile lock on the plane in front of him.

"That's a weird way to thank someone." I smirk, watching as Jester heads back towards the base.

Below The Hard Deck | A Top Gun FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant