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The ocean is simultaneously one of the most beautiful and most dangerous things on the planet. At first, it may seem perfectly calm, pulling one into a false sense of security. Just as quickly, however, it can push a person to the brink as they desperately try to stay afloat. In that way, traveling the open seas is very similar to flying. If it were any other day, I'd find this fact to be comforting. Now it just serves as another reminder of what's to come.

Despite Penny kicking all of us out at a relatively reasonable time, knowing about the early morning both Maverick and I would have, neither of us got much sleep. Instead, we spent the precious hours we had together holding each other close and striving to commit every touch to memory. The topic of the mission danced on my tongue every once in a while, but I could never bring myself to break the peace we had found ourselves in. I needed the world to stay outside, at least for a few more hours.

Unfortunately, time has finally caught up with the two of us, leaving us gazing out over the flight deck, hands folded together, to watch as the crew diligently works to get everything prepared. "Let's start with the two-seaters," I begin, tearing my eyes away from the activity below and turning to face my partner. "Who do you think we should send?"

Pete sighs, realizing that the time for our dreaded conversation is upon us. "Phoenix and Bob." He glances down at my left hand, nervously fiddling with the small ring wrapped around my finger. "They are comfortable together and it shows in their flying. Bob is always great at communicating, even when he isn't asked to, and Phoenix was the only one on our first day who stayed completely composed despite her wingman leaving her."

A small smile grows on my face at the memory. Though we had technically reconnected the day before, it was that day that really set the stage for Maverick and I truly getting back together. "I think had she not been paired with someone who has an ego that can rival your own, they probably would've given me a run for my money." That manages to get a brief chuckle out of my fiancé. "What about the second duo? Personally, I like Fanboy and Payback. They get the job done and, honestly, I feel like this mission could use some of their playful antics."

Mav nods his head. "They've been impressive all through training. When they flew with Hangman on the first day of running the simulation, they kept up with the speed he set for far longer than I expected them to. Not to mention they've flown together since flight school."

A tense silence suddenly fills the air. We both know what choice has to be made next, but neither of us want to say it. It's as if our silence will make the situation disappear. "It's going to be Rooster, isn't it?" My voice is quiet, cracking with emotion.

Maverick chews on the inside of his cheek, a tear finding it's way down his face as he finally meets my gaze. "I'll protect him. I promise."

I let out a breath, pressing my lips to his forehead. "I know. You always have. That's one of my favorite things about you. If you care about someone, you'll do everything in your power to keep them safe." With my free hand, I gently place my palm to his cheek and brush my thumb across it. "I just need you to promise me one thing."

"What's that?"

"Make sure you protect yourself just as much as you do Bradley and the rest of the recruits. They need you to lead them through this." I hesitate for a moment. "And I need you to come back to me."

A chaste kiss in my hair is all I receive in reply. No matter how much I want him to ensure me that he'll return, I know he won't. He can't. Sure, we've planned out how this mission is supposed to go, but planning something and actually doing it are two vastly different animals. In reality, neither of us really know what Maverick and the other pilots are about to get themselves into. He can't promise me he'll come back because there is  a real possibility that he won't.

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