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With the sun setting over the beach, everyone decides to call it a day. Having spent hours playing in the heat, all the recruits were exhausted, but they were closer than ever. Those who had driven offered others rides home, all while adamantly arguing about the best play of the game or a missed call. Bob was even voted unofficial MVP of the day. I have to hand it to Maverick, his unconventional methods payed off this time.

Originally, I was planning on walking back to my house. After seeing that I did not have a ride, however, Mav insisted on driving me back to my place. So, here I am, griping the middle of his waist tightly and resting my chin on his shoulder as he zooms along the coast. When we finally reach my residence, I hesitate to even get off the bike. He gently takes my hand in his own, helping me as I step off. "Your stop, m'lady."

I roll my eyes, but can't stop a smile from forming on my face. "Thank you, good sir. I very much enjoyed making your acquaintance on this fine day."

He grins and, even in the dark, his emerald eyes find a way to pierce my soul. "'Night, Lucky." The words are quiet, barely above a whisper.

"Goodnight, Mav, " I breath out, fighting the heavy beating of my heart. His gaze is burning a hole in my head with every step I take, following me up my porch. It doesn't take long for me to unlock my door, but my hand refuses to turn the handle. Ice and Penny's words echo through my head. I know what I want to do, it's just a matter of taking the leap. Sighing, I lean my forehead against the cool wood and shut my eyes.

Screw it.

With a quick glance over my shoulder, I step through the entrance, taking great care to ensure that the door stays wide open behind me. At first, the air remains still, the only sound coming from the distant crash of waves and the occasional cry of a seabird. The whole world seems to be holding its breath, myself included. After a few moments, the soft tread of feet against my hardwood floors brings me back to the present.

Neither of us speak, opting instead to just take in the other. A new, yet familiar, tension fills the air; one that I never thought I'd experience again. Slowly, like he's approaching a scared animal that can bolt at the drop of a dime, Maverick walks closer to me. His eyes remain glued to mine the entire time. When he cups his hand around my cheek, I can't help but lean into his touch. Leaning his forehead to rest against mine, he swallows. "Are you sure?"

"No," I answer truthfully. I'm not sure about anything. I don't know what, if anything, this is going to lead to. We could very well just go back to how things have been come tomorrow. One thing that I am certain about, however, is that I don't want him to leave tonight. "But, I don't want you to stop."

His line of sight moves from my eyes down to my lips and back again. Cautiously, Maverick inches himself closer to me, giving me all the time in the world to push him away. When we finally connect, I feel weightless. My hands quickly find his dark hair while his arms wrap around my waist, pulling me close to him. Years of pent up emotion surge between us, finally finding an outlet.

Every movement is slow and gentle, both of us afraid to do anything that could break the spell between us. Before each step, Mav looks at me for a sign of approval and, even after I give it to him, he doesn't rush. He treats me as if I'll slip through his fingers at any moment, his soft caresses against my skin managing to send shivers through my body. In a way, everything is reminiscent of the night I told him that I wanted to be more than just a friend. Never in a million years would I have guessed the path we've since took to get back here.

A tranquil silence falls over the room, neither of us daring to move. Maverick wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer to his side. I rest my head in the crook of his neck and close my eyes, trying to commit ever moment of what just occurred to memory. The sound of his heart echos through my ears, it's flutter falling into sync with my own. I let out a content sigh.

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