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As I button the white jacket of my dress uniform, I don't feel nearly as happy as I should. In my pocket, I carefully place the two photos Valkyrie's mom gave me at the funeral. We made it, Val. You're now the RIO of a Top Gun graduate. Even with my friend close to my heart, something is still missing. With two of the people I dreamed of sharing this moment with not standing beside me, making jokes and acting with all the dignity of kindergartners, I feel empty. I also think I'm starting to loose my mind. While I was getting ready to go out for celebratory drinks with Specs last night, I thought I heard Maverick's motorcycle stop in front of my house for a brief moment before driving away. Then again, it could've been any one of the hundreds of bikers who live in the area.

"You alright?" Specs asks, placing his hand on my shoulder. I used to joke with Valkyrie that every man looks good in a suit or a uniform, and my RIO is no exception. His usually unruly hair is tamed, perfectly gelled back for the occasion. His glasses really tie everything together, making him look incredibly distinguished. Even with the smile on his face, I can see the concern in his eyes.

No. Today is our day. The day that we celebrate the fact that we're joining the top 1% of navel aviators in the country. The day that I make history as the first female pilot to graduate from Top Gun. I am not about to let my personal issues ruin this for us.

"Better than ever." I beam. "How do you feel about the fact that we're about to go down in history as the first male-female duo to graduate from the program?"

"Well, when you put it in that context, really fucking nervous." He chuckles. "But, in all honesty, I couldn't imagine a better person to be by my side for it."

I pull my friend in for a hug, squeezing him as tight as possible to my body. "You're my best friend, Specs. I couldn't have gotten through this place without you."

"I mean, without someone reading the radar, you probably wouldn't have had the points to graduate from being shot down so much."

I roll my eyes. "You know what I mean."

"I know what you mean." He tightens his grip around me. "Right now, Valkyrie and Goose are looking down at us with pride. I know they are."

My heart clenches in my chest at his words. "I hope so." I pull away from the hug, giving him a playful pat on the shoulder. "Come on, let's find our seats and do this thing."

The two of us walk hand-in-hand into the small courtyard where our ceremony is being held. To avoid having to deal with the security clearances that would come with having it on base, Top Gun has instead taken over a nearby hotel, probably putting a damper on some poor family's holiday. It's a small ordeal; just our class, instructors, and a limit of two guests per aviator.

I didn't forget my promise to Mrs. White, making sure to give her a wave as I find my spot between Specs and Iceman. Though Ice was completely onboard with befriending him after our heart-to-heart, my RIO needed a bit more convincing. That convincing turned out to be a round of drinks and the discovery that the two of them share a love for The Hobbit. I've never seen two men argue more passionately over which members of The Fellowship would make the best pilot and RIO pairing.

"Good afternoon," Viper says, beginning the ceremony. "Lady and Gentlemen," I smile as he purposely sends me a brazen look, "here at Top Gun, we challenge you to fly against the very best. These past few weeks, you have been pushed to your limits, challenged like you never have before. Now, we celebrate that achievement."

"You think Maverick is going to show?" Ice whispers to me as the speech continues.

"I don't know. He seemed pretty set on things when we talked."

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