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With two weeks left until graduation, I am both dying to get out of this place and dreading leaving. At this point, Top Gun has basically become my second home and, with the exception of all the testosterone that constantly fills the air, I'm going to miss it. What I will not miss, however, is the early mornings lessons. After sitting in a desk for the past few hours, I'm itching to actually get in a jet and fly.

"You're going to break a hole in the ground if you keep tapping your foot like that," Goose jokes as he sits down in his usual seat behind me, Maverick right next to him.

"I've never been more ready to get off the ground in my life," I respond, my jittering foot increasing in speed.

"Are you saying you didn't find that two-and-a-half hour lecture on the mechanics behind an F-14 riveting?" The RIO looks back and forth between me and his pilot. "God, you two really are perfect for each other."

I tilt my head towards Maverick, who sighs. "I fall asleep in one class..."

"Oh, did Mav fall asleep in a class again?" Specs cuts in, taking his seat next to me. He wiggles his eyebrows as he points between Maverick and I. "Another long night?"

"Well, if you actually want to know—"

"Peter Tracy Mitchell!" I hiss, causing him to chuckle. With an eye roll, turn to my partner. "We didn't even see each other last night. Do me a favor and don't encourage him, will you?"

"Your middle name is 'Tracy'?" Specs asks.

Before he can respond, Jester calls the room to attention. Upon telling us to be seated, he begins his daily spiel. "Gentlemen, this will be hop thirty one. With graduation coming up, the position at the top of the class is still anyone's game. Iceman still remains in first place, with Maverick trailing by a few points and Lucky behind him. Today, you will be talking all that you've learned so far and fly in teams of two against each other. Commander Metcalf and I will be in the sky as well to evaluate your performances, but will not be playing a part in the training."

Having spent the past few weeks flying solely against either Viper, Jester, or the two of them as a duo, the idea of actually flying against each other seems to spark a fire in the room. Pilots and RIOs alike start sizing each other up, coming up with possible plans for every potential match up. Even I can't help but send a glance in Iceman's direction, though he seems much more focused on the duo behind me.

"Group one will consist of Iceman and Slider with Maverick and Goose acting as their wingman." I chuckle as I hear the two men behind me let out soft groans of annoyance. That pairing is going to crash and burn. "Facing off against them will be Lucky and Specs with Hollywood and Wolfman acting as their wingman."

Me and my partner give each other a look, simultaneously smiling at each other. Out of all the duos here, besides Maverick and Goose, Hollywood and Wolfman are the ones I'd choose to be with. Though we never conversed much, the two have always been respectful towards me and have never given me any reason to dislike them. With us four against the ego train wreck that is a Maverick and Iceman team up, this flight should be a piece of cake.

"Remember, we're all on the same team," Jester adds, his eyes flickering over the class. "The purpose of this exercise is to ensure you all can work together with whoever you may be assigned to fly with. Whatever animosity or differences you may have with each other, now's the time to sort them out." He pauses for a moment, letting his words sink into the air. "I want wheels up in fifteen. Dismissed."

"Well, the time has come Mav," I start, standing and collecting my things before turning to meet my fellow pilot's green eyes. "Ready to see how a real pilot flies?"

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