Another mystery

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Bakugo's POV:

I know....

I knew....

I knew that I would have to go back to that kingdom soon, but not this soon.

What would the people think? Would they still recognize me as their prince? Would my mother welcome me? What about my old man? Shitty hair? Dunce face?... Aizawa? Neito?

I felt a sharp pain and looked down.

Me: Oh.

My hand was cut, not a bad one but it was cut.

*Sigh* I don't want to do this.

Those rumors were bad... not even he believed me, and he was my mentor!

Seeing as I was bleeding and it had to be cleaned up, I grabbed my wineskin with water and washed my wound. After that I took a piece of clean cloth and wrapped it around my hand, effectively stopping the bleeding.

Me: Stupid Orcs, blaming me and shit.

However, as I was doing that, all of a sudden I heard a rustling sound and looked to the far side of the clearing.

Me: Greenie?

No answer.

More demons?


Dragon guards?

No, they don't come to this part of the forest.

Since there wasn't any coming answer, I walked closer to the bush, holding my sword in front of me, ready to strike at whatever it was.

Me: Last chance! If you want to live, you'll show yourself!

Raising my sword at whoever this may be, I was going towards the bushes and about to move it when I heard greenie's voice.

Greenie: Woah, slow down!

Me: Oh... SHIT! I am so sorry! I thought you were...

I trailed off.

Me: Doesn't matter. Em, help me start this fire, please.

The fae flew past me and lit the wood like they had done countless times before.

Greenie: What happened to your hand?

Me: ... Oh, I cut my hand, it's nothing I haven't dealt with before.

He looked at me with worry, I brushed it off and started to get the meat ready for roasting.

Greenie: Show me!

Me: What the hell?! No!

Greenie glared at me before lunging towards me, I dodged but he had grabbed my hand and had already taken my 'bandage' off.

Me: See, It's nothing.

Greenie: NOW it's nothing.

I could only watch with wide eyes as the wound started to close itself after he only touched it lightly. He didn't even put any pressure nor did I feel any mana change in the air.


Me: Oi, Greenie. What was that?

Greenie: What was what?

Me: You and I both know what I mean, how did you heal me without any mana?

I pulled my hand away and watched him warily.

Greenie: Is it that weird?

Me: Well, where I'm from you need mana and a lot of it too, to do things like that.

He watched me and snickered.

Greenie: This is nothing to me. Besides I am not from this world.

Me: Oh, Oh right. I forgot.

My face heated up as he laughed at me.

Me: Oh shut up! I'm gonna go cook the food, go away.

Greenie; What are you making?

Me: cooked meat with some vegetables and fruits. Do you want juice or water?

Greenie: Water, please.

Me: Mh, go in the tent, food will be ready in a few minutes.

Greenie: M'kay

I watched as he entered the tent then got up and walked past the tree next to the said tent. Behind the tree was a small garden, the soil around here was very fertile and I've been growing food here ever since I came here. Picking up the basket next to a plant I walked over to the Tomatoes

Me: This one looks ripe enough

I spent the next twenty minutes going back and forth between the garden and the fire where the meat was cooking.

Me: Greenie, I'm finished, come on!

No answer.

Me: Greenie?

I walked up to the doorway of the tent and looked inside.

Me: Greenie, I thought you were asleep, C'mon, the food's done.

He looked from where he was sitting, and drawing on the floor, the green-haired male jumped up and followed me.

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