Proud Mates!

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Bakugo's POV:

I took the cape up off the ground and folded it. The silence in the room was deafening, Mom and Dad were shocked, Hizashi was called back and fainted and Aizawa was rubbing his eyes, Nemuri-san was reaching for Izuku's wings.

Nemuri: Are they real?

Izuku turned around and stared at her.

Izuku: Yes... See... I can also fly that should be proof enough.

My mom turned to me with a glare.

Mitsuki: You knew about this?

I nodded, taking a seat next to Izuku with a huff.

Me: I only found out a few days ago, stupid nerd held them in for weeks, making his back bleed.

Izuku pouted and hit my arm, Auntie took a seat and drank some tea. She handed Aizawa some and Hizashi finally got back up.

Masaru: Izuku, if I may ask, What are you exactly? You look like a fairy, just... bigger.

Izuku took a deep breath and proceeded to explain, I took a plate of food and ate since I knew, this was gonna be one long ass explanation.

Izuku: I am a fairy. We call ourselves Faes. I come from another world where I am the king of them as I said earlier. This is why I called you insolent of judging me just by my look. It was thanks to the demonais that I've come to this world and Kacchan here helped me out. This is how we met to begin with.

Me: I just gotta say, he was in trouble continuously after that... damn nerd can't behave himself

Izuku: It's my nature just deal with it and you got yourself in trouble for choosing me as your mate. I did warn and ask you again if you were sure about this. There is no going back now Kacchan.

I pushed him slightly and he doubled over in laughter, my mom smiled and my dad shook his head.

Nemuri: Well I see someone finally got Katsuki to stop shouting so much, he's been considerably quiet his whole time here.

Me: What does that mean you horny bitch?!

She gasped offendedly and Aizawa threw a book at me.

Aizawa: Problem child you were doing so well...

Izuku: Watch it before I chuck it back harder to you.

I apologized and glared at Nemuri, who hid behind Aizawa.

Masaru: Moving on from that... Izuku, thank you for taking care of Katsuki these past few weeks.

Me: Actually, I was the one taking care of him but whatever.

Izuku: Which is soo true.

Izuku hit me in the back of the head and smiled at my dad sweetly. Hizashi laughed at us and received his own slap from Aizawa.

Auntie: Izuku, is there anything else we need to discuss before this meeting ends?

Izuku: No. I am sure you now know our stand and we will not lose a direct war with them.

Me: I agree with this nerd, he's hardly ever serious at times.

Everyone got up and exited the room after bidding the others goodbye, Auntie left with my parents and it was just Izuku and I. After helping him put on the coat once more, we locked the conference room door and walked down the hall.

Me: Do you still want that tour?

Izuku: Sure but don't you think you owe me something or did you forgot already?

Me: Izuku, I was gonna scent you after helping auntie with her gardening.

Izuku: And you would have soo forgotten about that since you would be tired....

Me: No I wouldn't... I would just have to rub my sent glands all over you, which I actually do slightly.

Izuku: As I said, I am a fae, I have no clue about how things work for dragons. This is all new to me Kacchan but I am happy you are my mate and willing to do this.

Me: Oh of course, I would even kill someone for you, just ask... now first place on our tour.

Izuku: Sure, show me around and don't leave out the fancy stuff. We fairies love sparkly things. They are just soo pretty.

Me: So what I'm hearing is I can get you gems as a gift?

Izuku: Uuuuuhhh~! I would totally love that. They are soo pretty and each one is unique.

Me: I can show you our crystal cave, but we'll have to skip the tour...

Izuku: Hm.... no. I would love to see the place where you grew up even for a bit. It still tells me a lot about you and your upbringing.

Me: Well we can start with my favorite place, The kitchen!!

I grabbed his hand and ran down the corridors, Izuku laughed as I pushed Iida out of my way and ignored his berating of the prince not supposed to be running in the halls.

I stopped in front of a huge pair of double doors, Izuku stared up at it.

Me: This is where I learnt how to cook.

Izuku: Kacchan, Would you cook something for me again sometime?

Me(Excited): Sure just tell me when!

He smiled and we continued walking around, I explained what the room was for and how I was involved with it somehow.

I loved the way he seemed so interested in my short lived childhood, we as in me being very carefully avoiding Yagi as much as possible, same with Kirishima and his friends.

We finally ended our tour at a kind of familiar room.

Me: Last place on our tour, you know it, you've been here just a few days ago. My room.

I opened the door and was met with my familiar scent, Izuku ran in and dived into the bed, I chuckled, locking the door. I sat next to him, seeing my luggage already there.

Me: I believe I owe you something...

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