The haunting past

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Bakugo's POV:

*Flashback brought to you by Izuku yeeting Bakusquad out of the sky*

I opened my eyes and found myself in a grassy field. It was overgrown with daisies and dandelions, I took some deep breaths, and jumped to my feet as Explosion murder flew over to me and settled into my spiky hair.

Me: Hey Explosion murder, you had a good time?

They flew up and then settled on my nose, laughing, I walked back to the castle. Carefully walking through the dark woods, I got near the back gates, the guards had super sensitive hearing, one twig breaking could expose where I was.


I ran up the wall, grabbed onto the flagpole under my room window, and climbed in.

I panted and tried to catch my breath when the door burst open. There in the doorway stood my nanny, she was a real stickler for the rules. She grabbed my hand and forcefully pulled me towards the throne room.

???: I'm here your majesties...

She pushed me forward and I landed on my knees.

Me: Ow, you old hag! What's going on?!

My dad was looking down at me and so was my mother, they had pure anger on their faces and so did everyone else in the room.

Me: What's going on? Seriously, you're scaring me.

I backed away from them but was blocked by Aizawa, he was my teacher and he too was glaring at me, but it looked like his natural deadpanned look.

Aizawa: You know what you did Blondie...


Blondie? Isn't that what Greenie calls me?

???: Blondie?!

*End of flashback brought to you by the bakusquad being sore for the next few days.*

I looked around, the familiar voice growing louder as my surroundings got brighter.

Closing my eyes, I waited for the light to die down.

Finally, I had enough courage to open my eyes and was met with familiar green hair and eyes, Izuku? What?


Me: Ok, Ok! I'm up. What happened?

I rubbed my head as the headache started to settle in.

Greenie: You had a nightmare and I tried to wake you up for the past half an hour!

Me: Oh, Sorry. I get those a lot, so... ANYWAYS! How about breakfast? Then we can start on our journey.

Greenie: Already did that. That's why I am actually waking you up. Also are you good?

Me: Yeah!


Getting up I reached down and he grabbed on, pulling him up I let go and exited the tent.

Greenie: Don't lie to me. If there is anything I hate then it's you lying to me.

Me: We haven't known each other that long though.

Greenie: I won't pry into it but at least say you are not fine if you are not.

Me: Ok, I will, thanks greenie.

I got to work taking down the tent and putting it and the other things we can take with us in my sack.

Me: Get on my back and hold this.

Greenie: Thank you for carrying me!

Me: Of course now...

I concentrated on my blood flow, I felt the familiar heat running through my body as the familiar white wings grew from my back, opening my eyes I noticed my neck above the forest and Greenie looking at my pure white scales in interest.

Greenie: White... huh...I would have bet they would be gold.

Well, they change color depending on the time of year...

Greenie: Thought communication... handy. Also, I think you are stunning as a dragon. Can I ahm hug ya... You don't have to let me do that tho....

Do whatever just don't fall off and thanks... Y'know for the stunning part.

He wrapped his arms around the base of my neck and sat back down getting himself comfortable.

Greenie: Thanks for letting me do that. Also, I am just stating facts.

Yeah yeah Greenie, Hold on tight!

I spread my wings, the inside was red, but if the sun shone on them, they had a shimmer of gold. I smiled or tried to as a dragon and flew up and started to go north.

Dragonia... Here I come.

Whisked away (Omega Deku)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant