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Izuku's POV:

I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous but also disappointed. He said he had one but never wanted to be mate with them which made me personally happy but then again he just said he wanted to be with someone and that someone wasn't obviously me since he didn't say it.

Me: Oh...

Why do I feel soo sad right now....

This is soo stupid.

I should be happy for him.

Tho I feel soo bad.

He is my mate.... I just have one in the world...

If he doesn't want me then it's fine.

Me: Soo... You really are not interested in that guy? Come on, he really has a crush on you. Be honest with me.

I smiled at him while started to joke, I felt very bad and I really didn't want to talk about this anymore but I couldn't just change the topic without being obvious at all. This would just end up weird.

Katsuki: Well, he's an alpha, I won't mind dating one but I'm not into redheads...

Me: Oh, then what is your type.

Katsuki: Well... in my world, there aren't many people with green hair...

Me: So green cause it's fancy....

For some reason, his words hurt me more than they should make me happy. It was more implying he was interested in things that are new to him than me specifically. That was different then what I wanted. It just felt wrong for some reason and the sadness in me grew only more. I was an omega so my emotions were a lot more dominant.

Katsuki: But don't get me wrong Greenie, the color may be rare but I want a person who won't just put up with my shit... He just ran with everything I said... My mate should be able to keep up with me.

Me: Sounds nice.... Whelp, I hope you find your perfect mate.

I hated what I was saying right now but it was the sadness in me which was way too much to handle. Without any notice, I stood up from the bed and hid my wings again before walking to the window. I was wearing something that smelled like Bakugo but it hurt now. It was too late to correct this misunderstanding and even tho my rational side told me it was, my emotional side was over the top.

Before I knew it, I was at the window and a tear was running down my cheek. I didn't look back fearing seeing what I wanted to see most. I wanted him to hug me, appreciate me, and tell me I am his mate. I couldn't take the thought of him having another mate.

And just like that, I jumped out of the window using wind magic to stop my fall and then walked away as if nothing ever happened.

Me (fae language): Expo, watch him and make sure he doesn't follow me.

Expo: Your highness, please you're making a mistake!

Me(fae language): EXPO! This is an order! Don't make me repeat myself!... I just can't look at him now... I need some time... I am sorry for lashing out at you.

I knew what I did was wrong but I couldn't help it. Everything right now didn't make sense to me and I just needed some time alone. What made it worse was that I was in a city where I didn't know my way around or anyone else besides Bakugo.

Expo(Big sad): Of course... your grace... It's ok.

Me(fae language): Take care of him for me okay.... I promise, I'll be back just need a bit of time...

Expo: I understand... But please know, your majesty... He has not loved anyone more than you... and he's met a lot of people.

Me(fae language): But how do you want to know it. I am different. I come from another world. How can you know that he isn't just interested in me because I am different, I take up his attention and spike his interest? He may be nice to me but he never says he loves me. You know as well as myself that I can't tell him how I feel as an omega. I can't force him.... Please expo... just stay with him and make sure he stays away from me....

Expo: My grace, have you forgotten? Earlier today I mean?

Me(fae language): I didn't but I can tell the sadness he is feeling. I can feel his emotions too. He is missing his past life! I can never give him what he wants....

Expo: His past Isn't what he misses...

While it was clear that Expo didn't leave my side for a while it was Aquana and Flamara who did the job for him.

Me: ... I don't know... I just don't know Expo... I need some time alone.

Expo: I get it I really do, but... You are breaking his heart... my majesty is it just your insecurities talking by chance?

By now more tears started falling down my cheek. I was angry and sad but the worst thing was that I felt irritation coming from Bakugo. I really wished he would have screamed my name, and stopped me but he just watched me go to the window and hide my wings. It was painfully obvious that he didn't want me around. No matter what Expo was saying.

Nothing could stop me from leaving his side. I couldn't take it anymore. My own emotions were out of control... I needed some time alone or who knows what could go wrong.

Me (fae language): Look Expo, I searched for a mate for years.... I am happy I found one finally and I would do everything for them... it's just that... dragons as well as other shifters can switch mates.... They call a person a mate when they feel as if they would fit together but for us, it's a soul bond. I can't force him into something like that.... I am scared to lose him but also want to be with him. I just want him to be happy Expo.... And I think that red-haired dragon can give him more happiness than me....

Expo(raising voice): You say you want him to be happy... YET you are leaving?! Had to put up with him being depressed for years! The only time in the last TEN years I have ever seen him smile was when he was with you!

Me (fae language): Expo, I want someone who can understand me! I bought the jewelry so he knows how much he means to me... I wanted him to stop me. Why do you think I took the time to hide my wings... he never did anything! I wished he did. I wanted him to hug me. I.... it's enough talking... it's no use... I need some time. NOW LEAVE! We are done talking.

Just like that I walked away from Expo and made him sure that he would stop following me and go back to Bakugo. I just needed some time alone. No matter what people would say to me now, it wouldn't get to me and I knew it.

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