Chapter 17: Getting bribed by a child

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—————-Percy's POV:——————

"How about this one?" Dick asked, turning back with an especially outrageous dress, the likes of which looked like a unicorn spit out everything it had ever eaten if that consisted of leaves, tinsel, and pure sparkles.

"Oh absolutely" I said, pursing my lips as I nodded slowly. Dick rolled his eyes but let out a smile.

"You're even worse then Jason, and he's a piece of work" I smile at that and turned back to the racks.

It was true that things were going quicker, but they still hadn't found anything and with 15 minutes left, I was sure we were gonna at all.

"Okay okay, hear me out!" I turned to see that Dick now had a very serious suggestion, the lovely blue color complimenting the simplicity of the dress nicely. "I think this one's pretty nice!" He said, nodding as if trying to convince me.

I gave him a small smile and nodded. "You have a point. I'll try it, but if you wouldn't mind keeping looking just in case?" Dick displayed finger guns, making a clicking noise as he winked.

"You got it boss woman" He quickly turned back, continuing to scroll through the options. I chuckled, taking the dress as I headed to the dressing room.

It wasn't long before I had the dress on, the neckline acting almost like waves as they rose slightly near my chest but lowered when they got to my shoulders, leaving my shoulder exposed but with a nice almost ocean-y effect. I had to admit I quite like it. The way it flowed down as well just seemed to fit with an ocean theme I didn't know I needed nor wanted.

I couldn't help but smile as I nodded. This would do. I took a few steps and found that even with the longer skirt it was moveable, flexible even and I'm sure that I'd I tried to run it wouldn't be much of a hassle.

I had it off almost instantly. We could finally get out of here. My heavy eyelids cheered, practically begging to be shut for the night as my eyes stung, though this provoked the wounds on my cheek.

I ignored this though, the pain really not that bad as I walked out of the dressing room.

Dick looked back at me hopefully and I couldn't help but feel my smile grow as I nodded. His smile grew instantly as well as he fist bumped.

"I told you I had this!" Dick cheered with himself as he followed me to the lady at the cashier. She fawned slightly at Dick looking him up and down. He looked slightly uncomfortable.

I turned back to the woman, suddenly feeling a little less kind.

"Is this all?" The woman asked, her voice very clearly made to sound more feminine.

"Yes" I replied curtly, already fishing out my card.

She didn't respond to me, looking expectantly at Dick who was now hopping from foot to foot in what I believe to be discomfort.

"Hey Dick, you mind checking the changing room for my pen? I think I left it" I asked with a smile. Dick turned to me in confusion.

"A pen? Is it that-"

"I got it from my dad, it's super important" He raced over my expression but I gave him nothing but genuine smile, even narrowing my eyes slightly to sell the whole thing.

He pursed his lips before nodding. "Fine, but if you find it just let me know. I nodded again.

"You gotcha, be safe out there okay?"

"It's a dressing room!" He called as he walked away, "I'm not gonna get eaten okay??"

I laughed as I turned back to the lady at the register who was giving me a dirty look, I returned the gesture by giving her my death glare.

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