Chapter 20: Alakazam, Alakazoom, heal that wound!!

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————Percy's POV:————

Jason and I walked in an awkward silence, obviously things were not good between us.


I sighed as we turned to go down the stairs.

"Your back doesn't hurt does it? I slammed you onto the ground pretty hard." I asked carefully, trying my best not to sound condescending in any way.

"I'm fine, seriously."

"If you say so" I would've combated the statement but we were turning into the dining room so there wouldn't be enough time.

As I walked in the faces of Duke and Alfred made themselves clear.

"Right! Then I tried to..." they both turned to me , Dukes eyes widening slightly at my cheek. "Percy..."

"Ms. Percy" Alfred said, his voice no less calm then usual. "Master Richard already alerted me to your condition, so if you could please follow me."

I nodded, turning to Jason though he seemed to have already moved on, making his way to the table in silence.

I let out a short huff before turning to Alfred. "Yeah, okay" I nodded as I followed Alfred into the kitchen.

"Please, have a seat, I'll be back with the first aid kit." I did as told as I was left alone in the kitchen.

The room still smelled of breakfast, the lingering pancake aroma making me hungry as my stomach let out a sign of protest.

Maybe I should've just called in sick today.

The thought marinated, but when I heard incoming footsteps I shoved them to the side, preparing to get patched up.

"Oh Percy, you're up. I'm glad to see you." I turned to see Bruce with a lighter look then usual. I'm glad one of us got rest.

"Yeah, thanks for letting me sleep in." I took in a deep breath as I turned to the side, trying to hide the wound as best I could.

A small moment of quiet went between the two of us before the footsteps got closer. I didn't turn but soon Bruce had pulled a chair over to face me.

He leaned forwards as he examined the wound, and I turned my head to the side to give him a better view but also to try and attempt to hide the growing warmth in my face. I looked forwards, keeping my eyes trained on the counter on the opposite side of the kitchen.

"You can't hide the wound, Dick already told me about it. He said it looked pretty nasty but..." he paused, letting out what seemed to be a relieved sigh. "It looks to be okay. Nothing too bad."

I spared a glance, looking over at Bruce only to see his eyes staring intently at the surly really bad wound. I knew he was trying to make me feel better but lying wasn't needed.

From this close though it wasn't hard to see why so many girls would find an interest in him. He was good looking, plain and simple. Down to his eyes, everything seemed to speak beauty.

I took a deep breath, trying to divert my thoughts away from his stunning and frankly piercing eyes.

After a moment or two longer he leaned back, nodding. "Please try and be safer out in the city. We wouldn't like you getting too injured now."

I nodded, keeping my gaze turned away as I tried to control my face.

"I don't think you'll get scars so you don't have to worry" the laugh escaped me faster then I could think to control it.

He gave me a weird look as I placed a hand over my mouth. "Bruce, I think scars are the least of my problems" I replied, and I swear I could see the subtlest of color come to his face as I laughed. I didn't mean to embarrass him but I mean come on, I had scars everywhere, most in the most visible of places.

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