Chapter 56: I get tackled by the little star

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-------------Percy's POV: -------------

I leaned over, my hands pressing into my knees enough to leave a slight pain. My chest burned from my panting and my vision was still blurry from the random drops of water that managed to sneak their way into my eyes. 

I was underneath the porch light to my mom's house, my shadow beneath me barely showed any characteristics of myself, the darkness too large to show any defining details. I continued to breathe heavily as I knocked on the door, hitting the wood a bit harder then I'd intended, the nerves in my knuckles lighting up with bouts of pain. Everything was hurting in one way or another but that didn't matter. 

Water dripped from my hair, a drop rolling from my hair and onto my nose, rolling down to the tip before dropping. I began to dry myself, feeling the water roll off me and onto the concrete below. 

I could hear footsteps from inside the house, and a sudden urge to just throw the door open erupted within me but I didn't act on it, instead I kept planted, continuing to dry myself. 

With a sudden clicking noise the door opened, my mother's tired face appeared before me, her hair cascading off her shoulders revealing lots of white strands intermingled with her brown hair. She looked forwards, her eyes meeting mine and for a split second we just stared at each other, her brain seemingly trying to process what she was seeing. 

A small smile rose to my face as I tried waving. "Hey mom" I said, a nervous chuckle escaping my lips as I took in a deep breath. She looked at me a second longer before bounding towards me, wrapping me in a tight hug as short cries escaped her. I could do nothing more but return the sentiment, her crying making me cry. Together we held each other, her crying much louder then my own as she burried herself in my shoulder. I was a bit taller then she was but that didn't stop this moment from being as sentimental. 

"Sally? Sally what's-" Paul came racing around the corner, as fast as he could at least for someone of his age, his run stopping as soon as he stopped me. 

"hey pa-" I didn't even have time to finish as he came over, holding the two of us in a tight grip. I smiled as I removed my grip from my mom to include the both of them. 

It took a while but eventually they backed off, stepping back and allowing me in. 

"Persephone Jackson, where were you?!" My mom demanded, her voice much harsher then moments before. 

I gave her a hesitant smile "In Gotham, I was... well I lost my memory again. It's a long story but it's okay, I'm okay and in fact-"

"Percy?" My gaze turned to the stairs of the house, Estelle stood there with a growing smile, her brown hair up in a ponytail, her blue eyes shining in the little light that was avaliable. I couldn't help but smile. It was weird watching your sister be so old when you can only see her as a small child and yet here she was, racing down the stairs. 

She jumped at me, tackling the both of us to the ground as she hugged me, squeezing me so tight I wouldn't be surprised if she took lessons from Tyson or Poseidon. 

"Hey little star! What's up?" 

"First!" She says, pulling back from the hug as we both got up. "I told you to stop calling me that years ago, second-" her smile took a turn towards the angry as she furrowed her brows tight. "What's up??? You were gone Percy! Poof! We thought you died!!"

"When do you not?" I asked, though no one seemed to find the joke as funny as I did. 

Estelle sighed, shaking her head. "You know, I can't tell what's more frustrating, you disappearing at random points in life or your awful jokes." She pursed her lips as if actually trying to contemplate the question for a minute before giving up and easing back into her smile. "Thank gods I'm the best sister you could ever have." I laughed, shaking my head. 

"You remind me of Dick." I said light heartedly, not controlling my words. They all gained confused expressions. "A uh- a kid I now watch over." I said with a hesitant smile. "Yeah, my life in Gotham is...complicated." 

"when is your life not complicated?" Estelle asked, mocking my earlier tone. She rolled her eyes. 

"Well I got time," She turned to Mom and Paul, the both shrugging. "Explain." 


It took a while before everything was through, but once I finished my family seemed more or less ecstatic. 

"I'm so happy for you! You'll have to introduce us soon!" Estelle said, her grin wide. 

"Yes, I'd like to know who you decided to date, billionaire or not I still want to test him. " Paul said as if something fishy were going about. My mother lightly slapped his arm. 

"Now Paul, this is Percy we're talking about. Memory or not, I'm sure she made wise decisions." I was suddenly very aware of the spots I'd been stabbed and shot, the two sparking to life as if taunting me. 

I mean, sure I told them a lot, but some things were better left in the quiet, lest we have worrying 24/7. 

I nodded. "Don't worry, I'm sure they'd love to meet you all, but I think for now, I'd just like to relax, being away from home has made me miss quite a lot I suppose?" I looked around, prompting them to tell me what I'd missed while I'd been away. 

Estelle cracked her knuckles as if preparing to tell me the longest story the world has to offer. 

"Well now that you say it..."

I end up spending the night at my mother's house, using the couch as a bed as I let myself drift asleep, happy that I could finally reconnect with my family. 

I had a lot to do now that I remembered everything.


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