Chapter 38: Floof and Scoot against the world

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-------------Percy's POV: ----------------

Apparently, this was a big deal to these guys, and I guess I should've seen it coming with how furiously Dick tried to train me, but I had just chalked it up to one big joke, but looking at it now, no, I was very wrong.

In fact, I don't think I could've been more wrong.

They'd all gathered here, even Jason, they had a board set up with various scoring, and the team names, Alfred was even here as a judge/ photographer, though I'm not sure if the kids knew the latter half. Oh, and let's not forget the various speakers spread around the room and the chairs surrounding the cleared-out area they'd carved into the room.

To say it was a bit overwhelming was a bit of an overstatement.

The white board had a few categories on it, these including:



Point total:


Special thanks to Damein for narrating the board

The last one was scribbled on as if it were in a rush. I couldn't help but notice the marker that had been half haphazardly thrown to the corner of the room with Dick standing awkwardly and looking around as if trying to not be suspected.

I smiled slightly as I looked to the top of the board.

Above the categories sat the teams, we had Tim and Stephanie, Duke and Cassandra, Jason and Damien (Though both came begrudgingly and were even more appalled at the teams) and finally Dick and I. The others wouldn't tell me what was at stake but by the looks of it, it had to be something huge.

I'd tried to get in on it, but apparently this matter had been set beforehand and I guess I wasn't included. It didn't bother me, truly, it was just the curiosity that was eating away at me.

I'd even asked Alfred, but he wouldn't budge either, telling me it was none of my concern and that I should just have fun. I just decided to play along.

"Hey Percy!" I turned to see Tim walking over, a smile on his face. I was happy to see he looked a lot more rested than before, with his hair properly done compared to the usual slightly messy style.

My smile grew as he stopped beside me. "Hey Tim, are you ready to go?" He nodded encouragingly, turning to the middle of the room where Stephanie and Jason were arguing on which Just Dance game goes first. Dick and Damein would add in little comments here and there to throw the two off.

"Yeah, Steph and I are pros if I do say so myself, I don't get to play as often but I like to think I still outrank Duke. Poor guy hasn't learned the true ferocity of this family." I allowed an eyebrow to raise as my smile morphed into a smirk.

"Is that so?" I took in a deep breath as the two finally seemed to agree on a game as they set the remote aside to chase after Dick and Damien, finally having enough. Duke and Alfred seemed to be keeping each other entertained as well. As I looked over, I could feel my smile drop slightly.

The night I'd advised Bruce to come to this thing, I had been serious, he'd even seemed to joke about coming when he came back to wish me a safe walk back home. But he wasn't here yet. It was worrying.

"You okay Percy?" I briefly glanced at Tim, a bit of worry crossing his features.

I just replaced the smile, putting my faith in Bruce as I nodded. "Yeah, just fine. I'm just envisioning what will happen when you guys lose." Tim's smile came back, rivaling that of Damien's snarky smirk.

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