Chapter 18: A Midmorning Report

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————Bruce's POV:————

"So how did it go?" I asked over the phone, the cool wind continuing to push my cape in the wind.

"It was...nice." Dick said thoughtfully, and I could hear a difference in his smile from his usual goofy smile. "She found a dress, thanks to yours truly of course, so thanks for sending me." Dick paused for a second before continuing. "And I don't think she knows I noticed her trying to get me away from the counter lady but" another longing sigh could be heard over the phone. "She's cool. I had to force her to go to bed, so she's spending the night in the manor, away from more harm. Also I alerted Alfred to have her checked out in the morning. Maybe give her a bit of a break tomorrow, let her sleep in."

"Good" I said, nodding slightly as I turned to look at a sudden sound, finding a rat jumping off a air conditioning unit. "And I'll make sure not to wake her."

A long pause went through the two of us as the cool night air provided a sense of calm, one that the city didn't usually have.

"You know, I'm kinda really happy you took this whole bodyguard thing up. I'll be the first to admit that I didn't think it was a good idea but... Tim likes her, like a lot, and Cass seems to think the same. Apparently she stopped Tim from getting hit with one of Dukes super soccer kicks. Definitely earned her some cookie points between them. I heard they're gonna try and play some more though I don't know how true that is." Dick said.

"So that's what that nose business was" I mumbled though I heard a short snort from the other end.

"Yeah, I suppose so" I could almost hear the audible drop in tone as Dick continued. "But I'd watch out. Jason's dropping in tomorrow and I'm still not sure if he got the memo about Percy yet so try and keep things civil."

I let out a sigh, my hand instinctively going to the bridge of my nose. "So I'm assuming no ones gotten in contact with him?"

The silence was loud, confirming my suspicions with yet another pain to my head.

"He shouldn't be in town long, at least that's what he said but I wouldn't discount the robbers that were found with gun shot wounds to the shins. I think he's trynna lay low for a bit"

"What?" I asked.

"They we're trying to nab some cash from a convince store, though from the interview with the cashier I think Jason might've spooked them more." I let out a tired sigh, forcing my hand to remain by my side.

"Right, so where in the city are you?"

Dick let out a hardy chuckle "oh, I'm at the manor. I was delivered to the front door like a dainty little cake. Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoyed it but damn, I was feeling quite protected."

"Right, well hurry out here okay? Crime rates seem to be higher than even lately so we need all the help we can get."

"Of course. I'll be out before you can say aster"

The phone call was hung up before I could even interject leaving me alone with my thoughts.

It was interesting.

Percy had been with us for a little under a month, and yet she seems to be so acquainted with everyone. I even find myself lingering in her presence, though I suppose there's not much time anymore that she isn't stood against the far side wall of my office, that determined look never seeming to leave her face.

It seems Percy had managed to wiggle her way into this chaotic mess of a family.

A warm feeling seemed to grow in my chest slightly as I stood from my perch, now shoving my phone in one of my many pockets on my belt.

With a deep breath I took a step forwards.

I knew Percy wasn't the one to get originally attacked, even before the purse, but to think she'd dabble in heroics made me wonder where she'd come from because it surly wasn't Gotham, not many here would put their lives on the line for the likes of a stranger.

I let the thought linger, soaking into my mind as I ran off towards the sounds of another attack.

741 words

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