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Jina pov:

I saw hana running to me, "jina you were so right about them, they are players!" Hana whined "I told you hana, I basically grew up with hyunjin I know what he's like, he's my brothers bestfriend since the day I was born, I know his Intentions, and his Interest are girls parties and sex, trust me hana"
"You're so right I shouldn't have neglected you" hana started crying out of no where "whats wrong hana are you okay" I said in a sad voice, hana slowly started sobbing loudly, I took her hand and ran to my locker dragging her with me. I got my purse with my makeup wipes makeup bag and tampons, I always kept this bag just in case, after I fetched it took her to the bathroom sat her down as she continued to cry. "Hana what happened, you know you can talk to me" hana looked up at me as I wiped her access mascara with the makeup wipes that I had picked up earlier from my locker. "It's your brother jina *sob* h-he humiliated me infront of his friends" oh my god, I felt pure anger build up in my body as I felt my blood boil, "what did he do??" I asked, "h-he *sniff* hyunjin *sobs loudly* h-hyunjin pretending told felix too say that he had feelings for me, comepletly fooling around and felix acted as if he liked me back *sob* he just kissed me infront of his friends then when i really fell for it the guys all made fun of me jina! And they all started sexualising me and making fun of me saying they would have a fire night with me and jisung screamed 'send nudes' and jina i just cant stop crying i feel so humiliated" hana explained "hana he's a complete jerk and his only Intentions with a girl is using them for her body then ditching her when hes done pleasuring himselr, trust me I'll ruin him when I get home, for now lemme fix your makeup, im gonna tell my dad what he did that'll teach him a lesson" I replied hoping I helped her "but I reaaaallly like him jinaaa" hana cried even more. "HANA! YOU ARE IN NO PLACE TO BE A BEAUTIFUL GIRL CRYING OVER A GUY WHO DOSENT GIVE A DAMN ABOUT YOU, YOU ARE SO MUCH MORE THEN THAT AND YOU DESERVE TO SEE IT, IF YOU ARE TO EVER TO PUT UP WITH A MAN IT WILL BE OVEE ONE CONDITION AND ONE ONLY, IT IS FOR HIM TO RESPECT YOU, MY OLDER BROTHER AND HIS FRIENDS ARE JERKS AND ONLY WOULD EVER WANT YOU FOR YOUR BODY! HALF THE GUYS IN OUR SCHOOL WOULD DIE TO HAVE YOU YET YOU STILL DIE FOR MY BROTHER? IN NO WAY AM I ACCEPTING MY BESTFRIEND TO BE DISRESPSCTED LIKE THAT" wow, I really went all out there, I think I made it seem as I really disliked my brother... I obviously loved him but he was really a jerk and deserved to be put right in his place. "Wow jina" hana cried "I love you, thank you, even though I'm still head over heals for.your brother I really love you for making me realise that" I flicked her forhead as a joke in response to her saying she still loved my brother.

I checked the time and the bell was about to go in a couple minutes, I quickly fixed mine and hanas makeup and got out the toilets, as i stepped out, my sight was unfortunately ruined by my older brother and hyunjin walking past us, I went up to felix slapping him across the face "OW BRO" he kicked my foot as he said "what the fuck is up with you whyd you slap me, wait until I tell appa" he said "oh REALLLY??? wait until YOU tell appa or wait until I tell appa?? HUH??" I said "tell appa what?? Oh my god please don't tell me you found out about me smoking cigs, if you tell appa ill tell him-" I cut him off "just shut-up!! What's wrong with you felix? Why would you do that to hana? Now she's crying in the bathroom because of you! I knew you were jerk but not as much as this dingbat" i said looking at hyunjin who was staring at my unbuttoned cleavage. "You dirty littl-"
"Jina! A boys gotta look when hes gotta look, relax,and plus I did it to hana because I felt like it and shes annoying, stay out of my business you virgin" felix said.
I felt my body ache, my brother was right, I was turning 17 next month and was still a virgin, practically my whole year had been slept with, except for me and a couple nerds, and all my brother did was take advantage of it to make fun of me. I mean I was still young... right? Don't get me wrong i am a pretty good looking girl, I have long black healthy hair who ends just at the end of my back, I have bright Hazel eyes who turned green in the sun with beautiful asian eyes as my mom would say, pale clear skin that would occasionally get spots when I got my period and natural rosy cheeks with filled eyebrows and a couple beauty spots around my face, I also got gifted with beautiful long lashes, i liked the way i looked, I was one of the lucky ones, I also had clear Asian skin it was probably because of all the skin care my grandma bought me. I was bullied into being pretty especially by my older brother who expects a girl to have massive boobs and a massive ass with a tiny waist by the time she's 15 or else she 'doesn't fit the beauty standard' as he would say. 

I got cut off in my thoughts as I heard the bell rang, I walked to class not expecting what I had saw..

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