Jina pov

"and then I'm thinking of wearing these cute shorts, but like they might be too short for my liking, you know?"
"Yesss, but like I asked my mom and she said that she thinks the black shorts look better on you"
"I don't knowww" I replied to hanna who had been on a facetime call with me for the  past half hour. When I got home I took a nap finished up some homework and took a shower.

"Hana, how many times do I haft too tell you the black shorts are ripped!" I exclaimed while brushing my wet hair
"Ohhh yeah, you know what the blue ones are nice too, and either way i don't think felix would even let you wear the black ones anyway, speaking of have you had any news from him?"
"Nope I don't feel like speaking to him, after what him and hyunjin did too sunghoon I-" I had gotten caught off by the sound of the doorbell, "one sec nana (nickname for hana) lemme get that"

I stepped out of my room to go open the door, *ding ding ding ding* "goddammit okay I'm coming" I opened the door seeing the faces no one wanted too see, especially me.
"What are you loosers doing here" I said too felix is friends, not even glancing at hyunjin.
"Felix told us to come over for the the the football game"
"Jina stop bothering my friends" I heard felix is voice behind me "pffffft aaaaasss ifffff! You really thought I really damn wanted to speak to these douche bags?" I screamed, felix rolled his eyes and said "ignore her, come In guys"

They all came in and sat on the couches already trashing the house and they hadn't even been here for a full 3 minutes.
Something felt.. awkwardly off. Normally, when hyunjin was over, he would say funny comments and crack a few jokes at me possibly making me laugh from time too time, he would either tease me or come upstairs to my room and touch all my stuff to piss me off. It was weird not having him  act like that. I mean it was for the better, for the first time in 16 years hyunjin hadn't said a word to me when coming over. Or tried to tease me or made fun of me or even tried to piss me off. As children all we did was argue, 4 year old me would be jumping up and down of happiness if i knew hyunjin wasn't trying to annoy me, but weirdly 16 year old me feels bad. Hyunjin looked.. guilty? Jina snap out of it he's a douche. Whatever.

The door bell had rang again "jina go get it" my brother ordered. "I'm only going because I want too not because you told me too" I said "nyeeehhh I care" felix said mocking me
It was the pizza guy.. woah, WOAH, the pizza guy was CUTE. "H-Hey.." I said
"Oh, um pizza for Lee felix" the cute deliveree dude asked
"Y-Yeah" I took the pizza still staring into his beautiful eyes
"Hey uhh this seems a little unprofessional but do you mind if I... get your number?" Omg omg omg did this hot ass dude just ask for my number
"Oh em gee yeah sure" Before I could pass him my number I felt my brother behind me "she's 16 you perv get lost" and with that he slammed the door in his face. "I HATE YOUUUU"
"He was ugly anyway jina"
I ran too my room still seeing hana on the phone "what took you so long jina" she asked "felix is stupid friends are over and the pizza guy was mad cute and asked for my number but felix slammed the door in his face"
"Oof, tough luck, does this mean hyunjin is downstairs?"
"Yeah, but he hasn't said a word to me, i don't know I feel bad but he's been a dick to me all these years, he looks really, sad? And guilty too."
"Oh jina, I know you won't believe me but... I think hyunjin may have a little crush on you, maybe thats why he's teased you all these years, and maybe that's why he's so sad that you completely cut him off now so he feels guilty"

"No hana he dosent, and either way I don't like him"
"Whatever you say... anyway jina I gotta get going my mom wants me to help around with my stupid grandma downstairs, they're doing yoga sessions and I'm forced too join"
"Bahahahah LOL have fun doing yoga" I laughed ,
"Shut-up, bye love you"
"Bye love you too"

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