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I rubbed my shoulder lightly comforting the pain after he had just literally pushed me, his shoulder felt like a fucking rock ow. "I wish I kept a fucking bat in my locker so would've killed him with it." I thought too myself. Walking back too my locker was hyunjin just standing there?
"What are you doing here dumbo?" I asked
"I could ask you the same question?"
"Dude. Its my locker 😑"
"ohhh right yeah, I was thinking you'd maybe wanna eat with me and the seniors?"
"I- thanks I'm good, I can't stand half the girls in your year and practically live with all 8 of you boys since your at my house every other night"
"Cmon jina, I wanna introduce you as my new girlfriend"
"Pfft you really think they don't know I'm your girlfriend hyunjin? They've been talking about it all morning"
"True that, okay fine. What about a date Hmm? You.. me? Tonight" He said holding both my hands.
"Is hwang hyunjin asking ME on a date?" I said sarcastically laughing.
"I'd love too, but maybe tomorrow, tonight is Rita's party and besides felix told me too ask you if I could go. Weird right? Why should I haft too ask you about where I'm going"
"He's totally right, you're mine now and as long as you are, I protect you, and not only that, I control you" he answered
"YO WHAT? You control me? In your dreams sir"
"I'm just kidding, but yeah he's right I get really possessive In relationships It's uncontrollable. It's like I'm just jealous, you're mine, so why don't I decide for things that are mine, right?"
"No, not right but anyways you seem too be determined about this sooo, can I go?"
"Yes, as long as you don't get too drunk and I don't wanna see you around ANY guy." Hyunjin said looking me straight in the eye looking oddly serious.
"O-okay god"

My Brothers Bestfriend | HYUNJIN FFWhere stories live. Discover now