Chapter 4

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The door opens and Jaden steps in. "Please, I was gonna tell you Hazel but you were with Nori."

"This has been going on for so long because you don't just randomly have sex! Why didn't you tell me earlier huh? It's not just that I'm that mad about y'all having sex, it's more that Madi lied to Nori and me. She told us she was going shopping with her cousin. Then her bitchy ass goes to fuck my brother." I sigh. This is so fucked up.

"I didn't knew that." Jaden tries and gets closer to me.

"Shut the fuck up Jaden. She is my bestfriend. I can't deal with this now. Please give me some peace." I walk to the door and slam it behind me. When I'm walking I bump into Madi.

"Please. I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you. I just thought you would be really mad." She has an oversized shirt on. One of my brothers.

"Save it." I dodge her but she stands in front of me again.

"Please, Hazel. Can we just talk?" She whines.

"Can you shut it?" I slam her across the face. I stare at my hand in shock from what I just did. I shouldn't have done that.

She holds her face in shock.

I leave her and run down the stairs to the backyard. I need some goddamn air.


I'm sitting on the edge of the pool with my feet in the water when I hear someone slowly sit next to me. I look aside and I see Matt sitting next to me.

"Are you cooled down a little bit?" He chuckles.

"A little bit yeah." I sigh. "I guess uh, I guess I just don't really understand."

"Me neither. Just wanted to tell you that Madi feels really really bad. Jaden begged her to talk to you but she didn't want to because she fucked up and thinks you'll never forgive her."

"I will never forgive her." I say harshly. Even tho I know that's not true because I love Madi.

"I wouldn't either. But you have to once. She's your bestfriend. You need her, she needs you." He puts his arm around me but I push it off.

"I don't need anybody." That's not true. "Fuck me, why did I slap her face?" My eyes are burning right now.

"That was actually really cool. If Jaden did that to me I would've done the same but a little more aggressive I think." He chuckles. I can't help it but laugh a little to.

"Alright. Go talk to her Haze." He pats my back and stands up.

"Fine," he helps me stand up and I walk after him inside.

"Where is Madi?" I ask walking towards my brother.

"She went home. She couldn't be here any longer, she hates herself right now." Jaden cries a little.

"I'll go talk to her. Don't worry." I walk away but Jaden grabs my arm.

"I'm so sorry. I love you Haze and I fuck everything up for you. I don't deserve you and I understand that your mad at me." He gives me a hug.

"It's okay. We'll talk later okay? And I love you too." I smile and he clears up a little.


I arrive at Madi's house and ring the doorbell. Her mom opens the door.

"Hey!" She smiles.

"Hey, uh. Is Madi here?" I ask.

"Yeah. She went to her room. She wasn't really happy so maybe you can cheer her up!" She smiles and lets me in.

my brothers bestfriendWhere stories live. Discover now