Chapter 24

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Bryce ran away bruised up and I walk into the toilet where Hazel is still in.

I shut the door of the toilet because I heard people coming. A lot of people are in here right now, I do not care. I only care about my girl right now.

I immediately shut the door behind me. Hazel is still naked and she's crying a lot. I haven't seen her naked yet so I try my hardest not to look, I don't want her uncomfortable.

"Matt" she whispers crying.

"It's okay, baby. I'm not gonna do anything. Do you have clothes to put on?" I ask gently. I know Hazel doesn't want to tell everything right now.

People keep banging on the door asking if they can open it.

"NO, WHAT DO YOU THINK?! GET THE FUCK AWAY!" I scream and it gets silent on the other side.

Hazel points at her bra and underwear shaking.

"Okay, can I put it on? Do you want some space? Please tell me Hazel."

She points at me.

"I have to put it on? Alright." I ask and grab her stuff.

She nods and smiles a little. How can she smile after everything that happened to her? This girl is so strong, wow.

I put her underwear on slowly. Then I grab her bra and try to put it on. Don't laugh at me I'm not very good at this.

"How do you?" I mumble annoyed at the straps that are not clicking together.

Hazel chuckles. See? How can she laugh like everything is fine.

I'm finally done with putting the bra on and look Hazel in her eyes.

"What happened to Bryce?" She asks and whispers.

"I think- not think. He got his lesson." I sit down in front of her and stroke her legs.

"Can we go back? I- what if I ruined there wedding?" She sighs.

"You didn't. He did."

"Let's just go back and have some fun. Forget about everything that happened." She says.

Pov Hazel
I wipe some tears away. Matt stares at me with his jaw dropped. "You don't wanna go home?" He asks.

"No, im fine. Matt, I still wanna have fun. Even after everything. Matt, I-" I sigh.

"Hazel. If you wanna go home then we're getting the hell out of here." He says not breaking eye contact.

"No. I wanna stay here. I wanna spend time with everyone here." Even tho I kinda want to go home, I still wanna have a great night. With my boyfriend.

"I can't believe you. You are like, so strong. Like, Hazel. I don't care if you don't,

I love you.

I love Hazel Smith so much. With my entire heart." He says.

I can't help it but smile so hard. "I love you Matt. I love you. You have no idea how much I love you." I grab his face and kiss him. He immediately kisses me back and he smiles in between our kiss.


When we got out of the toilet, everyone was gone. I fixed my make up, hair and everything else. Matt was watching me the whole time, I saw him crying.

We're walking back now and Aisha walks my way.

"Are you okay? Is everything alright?" She asks.

"Yeah! I'm okay." I smile and Matt grabs my hand.

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