Chapter 15

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Pov Hazel
I don't want them coming after me so I quickly run around the corner and keep running until I see a cafe. I can sit there for a while.

Out of breath I push the door open and close it behind me. "Hi!" The girl at the bar smiles at me.

"Hey," i smile and sit down on a table. I put my head on the table and wrap my arms around my head.

My breath starts to become heavier and I try to catch my breath. I lift my head back up and began to cough and start sweating.

"Hey are you okay?" The girl behind the bar runs towards me. Some other guy also walks towards me.

"I cant breath. Am I having a heart attack?" I whisper coughing. "Help fuck."

"Your not having a heart attack love. Your having a panic attack. Ive had them too." She holds me.

She helps me of my chair and I feel like dying. Im sweating like hell and feel very dizzy.

"Hey, take a deep breath. Alright? Deep breaths with me, come on." She holds my shoulders and takes a deep breath.

I do it with her.

"Keep going, your doing very well." She says and I close my eyes. The man stands next to me too and strokes my hair away.

"Imagine, you having a great time. Your traveling all over the world, to where you've always wanted to go. Your the happiest person alive and realise you have made it. You made it. Your watching the sun go under while sitting on the beach with your favourite persons. Your husband is playing on the beach with your child. And your watching them with a adorable smile on your face, because you realise that you did it. You made it. Imagine that." The girl says.

I imagine it and for some reason it calms me down. That girl is amazing.

She pulls me in a hug and I hug her back, softly crying in her shoulder. "Thank you so much." I whisper. When I let her go she looks at me with a very pretty smile.

"Wanna go out, I think my boss will let me leave." She winks at the guy that helped me too. So thats clearly her boss.

I look at the other guy and he nods. "I think thats a great idea. Take care of her. Imma go back to work, hope everything is okay." He pats my back and leaves to the bar again.

"Lets go." The girls grabs my hand and opens the door for me.

"No, im okay. You can go back to work." I hold back.

"No! You need someone right now. Come on." She places her hand on my lower back and slowly pushes me outside. "My name is Alahna, nice to meet you." She smiles.

"Im Hazel, nice to meet you too." We walk towards a park.

"You have an beautiful name, plus you are very beautiful."

"Thank you, you are very beautiful too and i love your name. I havent had a panic attack in a long time." I sigh.

"That happens, its okay. They leave and come back at the worst times." She sighs too.

"You are so nice."

"Gotta do what you have to do, you know? Its my job." She winks.

I chuckle. "Gladly there are still people like you on this planet."

"Aww, don't say that.." she pouts her lip.

"Its true." I look down.

"Tell me, what happened." She says.

"There's this boy.." I start and explain her everything. Every little detail. How we grew up and how we became and how we are now.

In the meanwhile were sitting in a park.

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