Chapter 25

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When the dancing is done, it's time for the speeches. I sit next to Matt, you need to sit next to your partner and the soccer team needs to sit in the front row because they all can give a speech if they want to. I can't see my mom anywhere, because there are just to many people here.

When I turn my face, my breath stops. Bryce walks in and sits next to Hayes. He looks really bad. Matt hasn't seen him yet, gladly, otherwise he would've knocked him out. I lay on Matt's shoulder and Matt squeezes my leg for a second. "I love you." He whispers. For the last couple days he has tried his speech in my room and I helped him make his speech better. He was quite nervous cause he never does something like this.

Josh is doing his speech right now. It's nothing really special just a lot of thank you's.

After, Josh, Hayes, Asher, Ace, Dan, Vince, Luca and Jaden finish there speech, it's Matts turn I think. Matt gets his note already out of his pocket.

"The next speech is from Bryce. He left the soccerteam but still wants to do his speech." The woman says.

Matt looks frustrated and angry. "Is he here?" His answer is answered by Bryce walking up the stage. "What the fuck." He mumbles and his jaw clenches.

I squeeze his hand. "It's fine, chill Matt." He's gonna get violent.

"Thank you, for letting me be here! I really appreciate that. I'm still so sad that I had to leave the soccerteam. I loved it there."

"Yeah right." Matt mumbles giving Bryce a death stare.

"But first I wanna thank my ex-girlfriend for being here." He winks at me and I hear some people around me laugh. "You look very beautiful-"

Matt let's go of my hand and stands up. "Matt, stop!" I stand up and run after him.

Matt runs on the stage and I walk after him. Bryce tries to walk away but he gets slammed against the ground and gets some punches in the face. "MATT PLEASE STOP!!" I start crying.

A lot of people gasp and stand up.

"YOU RAPED MY GIRLFRIEND YOU FUCKING BITCH!!" He punches him again, out of breath. Even more people gasp and all eyes are on me now. I start crying and pull Matt away.

The coach runs up the stage and pulls Matt away. Some more men lift Bryce up, he is knocked out. I stand there in shock of what just happened. People around me start asking questions but I just look at the ground. "LEAVE HER ALONE, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I hear Matt scream. He gets pulled away by a lot of people.

I push everyone away and run away. I bump into a girl. "I'm sorry." I say and run away.

I run until I don't see people anymore. A girl runs after me. "Can you please just leave me alone, I need some space." I don't know who that is, I don't give a fuck either.

"It's okay, you don't have to talk. I just wanna know if you aren't gonna do anything stupid." The girl says. I recognise her voice and turn around. Nori stands there. I walk towards her and give her a hug, a long warm, needed, hug.

"Wanna sit down?" She asks after a while.

"Yeah." My voice is shaking and I sit down.

It's an comfortable silence. We both don't say anything. I feel really safe. Then I hear noises, a car drives by full speed. I look up and sigh.

"Hazel?!" I hear my mom screaming. I look at Nori. She nods as a 'go to your mom'.

"I don't think I wanna go to my mom. She's gonna be so worried. I just want Matt right now." I start crying and Nori pulls me on her shoulder. I softly cry on her shoulder.

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